Chapter 36: The Glow of Hope

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Luna woke up to an unfamiliar room, her head still spinning from the disorientation. Before she could gather her bearings, a man entered with a warm smile, his presence both comforting and unsettling.

"How are you?" he asked, his voice gentle yet unfamiliar.

Confusion clouded Luna's mind as she struggled to piece together her surroundings. "Who are you, and where am I?" she managed to inquire.

The man, named Ashton, offered a reassuring smile. "You're in my home, Luna," he explained, his tone gentle yet firm.

Luna's brows furrowed as she tried to process this new information. "I am Luna?" she repeated, the name feeling foreign on her tongue.

Ashton nodded, his expression filled with empathy. "Yes, you're Luna. I found you unconscious and wounded on the beach. My friend, a doctor, diagnosed you with amnesia," he revealed, his voice tinged with concern.

A rush of panic swept through Luna as she grappled with the realization of her memory loss. "I need to regain my memory," she insisted, her voice filled with urgency.

Ashton placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, his gaze steady. "You will, but first, you need to regain your strength," he advised, his tone gentle yet authoritative.

Though Luna couldn't remember him, she felt a sense of gratitude towards Ashton for his kindness. "I don't know you, but thank you," she murmured, her words laced with sincerity.

With a final reassuring smile, Ashton left the room, leaving Luna to confront the daunting journey of rediscovering her identity in this unfamiliar territory.


Ashton busied himself in the kitchen, preparing breakfast as Luna approached him with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty.

"Are we friends, or what? Are you my boyfriend?" Luna's questions hung in the air, her tone revealing her desire for clarity.

Ashton shook his head gently, a soft smile playing on his lips. "I'm not your boyfriend, Luna. I'm just a friend," he clarified, his words gentle yet firm.

Luna's brows furrowed as she struggled to piece together her fragmented memories. "Where do I live?" she inquired, her voice tinged with frustration. "Sorry for asking so many questions, but it's important for me to regain my memory."

Ashton's expression softened as he placed a comforting hand on Luna's shoulder. "I understand, but I don't know where you live," he admitted, his tone filled with empathy.

Luna's attention shifted as Ashton mentioned breakfast. "Okay, what did you cook?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

A warm smile graced Ashton's features as he replied, "My favorite food."

Just as they were about to enjoy their meal, the doorbell rang, interrupting their moment. Ashton excused himself, leaving Luna alone in the kitchen.

When Ashton opened the door, his manager, Archie, stood before him. Welcoming Archie inside, Ashton led him to the kitchen, where Luna awaited.

Ashton introduced Luna to Archie, who greeted her with warmth and understanding. "Nice meeting you, Archie," Luna said, her voice soft yet sincere.

Archie's gaze softened as he addressed Luna. "I know your situation, Luna. Ashton told me about your amnesia. I'm concerned, but I believe you'll regain your memory in due time. Don't lose hope," he encouraged, his words offering a glimmer of reassurance.

Grateful for his kind words, Luna smiled warmly. "Thank you," she replied, her gratitude evident.

Archie turned to Ashton, shifting the conversation towards work. "Are you ready for your taping today, Ashton?" he inquired, his tone businesslike yet supportive.

Ashton nodded confidently. "Yes, I've memorized my script," he confirmed, a sense of determination in his voice.

Archie praised Ashton's preparation. "That's good. You're the best," he commended, his tone filled with pride.

Curiosity sparked within Luna as she turned to Ashton. "Are you an actor?" she asked, her voice filled with intrigue.

Ashton's eyes twinkled with amusement as he nodded. "Yes, I'm an actor. And you, Luna, are a very special lady to me," he declared, a playful grin tugging at his lips.

Luna couldn't help but laugh at his remark, her cheeks flushing with a hint of embarrassment. "You're too funny," she admitted, her laughter echoing in the room as she felt a sense of warmth and comfort in Ashton's presence.

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