May 3rd, 2024, 8:32PM

6 2 0

Dear Diane,

I have come up with a template for these letters! Look at me, getting all organized. My day was uneventful, unfortunately, so hopefully this makes sense to me in the future.

1:32AM- Nightmare woke me up again. I was alone, in my house. I panicked for a while. Went back to sleep around 2:30 after breathing exercises.

8:00AM- woke up for my morning alarm, got out of bed at 8:05AM

8:30AM- rushed out of the house, forgot breakfast.

9:00AM- clocked in, on time for the first time in weeks (yay me)

10:00AM- met a new coworker, Stephanie (?) (I think that was her name?)

5:00PM- clocked out

6:00PM- ate dinner

7:00PM- Attempted crochet (failed miserably)

8:30PM- stared at a blank page for approximately 2 minutes before deciding on a schedule for my day.

Now you're caught up. I think this is the part of the hero's story where something comes to change their life, but if that were the case, I wouldn't be so depressed.

I think I'll go to bed early tonight.

Sad, Diane.

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