May 8th, 2024, 11:52PM

5 2 0

Dear Diane, 

Today was busy. I went to work, and Stephanie was LATE! I am glad to know I am not the only one struggling with these early mornings. 

We went to lunch, and it was somewhat magical. She is a breath of fresh air, after feeling like I couldn't breathe for weeks. 

We talked all lunch hour, and noticed that we needed to get back to work. We had to sneak back into the office. We then opened our slack and started just texting all day, about everything and nothing. We talked until we had to leave, and we have decided that cubicle mates should eat lunch together more often. 

We have been messaging so much tonight, I almost forgot about how creepy my house is at night. I've been on the couch all night watching Netflix and texting her, I almost didn't notice the figure in the hallway until it had disappeared. 

Yea, the empty house is still creepy as heck. 

Tomorrow is therapy day, where I read some of the entries from the past week. So as I'm reading this to you, Dr.Brooks, please be kind when I call myself crazy a few times. I know how you feel about negative thinking. 

Well, I am going to attempt to sleep soon. Hopefully the figure, which has migrated from my room to the hall, will leave me alone enough to get a good night's sleep. Or I can invest in some earplugs and a sleep mask. 

I feel like I'm on top of the world right now, not even this-thing-can keep me down tonight. 

Goodnight, Diane 

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