Sleepover (Revamped)

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As (c/n) took the cookies out of the oven, the music playing from his speaker was interrupted by the ping of a Life360 notification as your car pulled into the driveway. He chose to ignore the flutter in his chest as he quickly set the baking tray down on the stovetop and gave the apartment a final once-over. Snacks? Secure. Music? Playing. Games? On standby. Hotel? Trivago. Perfect.

Before you had the chance to knock, the door was opening. (c/n) stood there grinning at you before raising his right hand. "Where my hug at?" He asked, his voice intentionally dropped an octave lower.

You placed a hand directly onto his chest, slightly pushing him back so you could enter his apartment. "Shut the hell up." You laughed, "Lookin' like Eren Jaeger. Move."

"My hand's not even bleeding," he retorted playfully. "Doesn't matter. I thought you were head over heels for him?"

"You're missing the bun... And the mass casualties."

"Huh, that's all it takes?" (c/n) teased. "I thought your standards were higher. I'm a little disappointed in you," his reply was followed by an exaggerated sigh. Shaking his head lightly, he motioned towards the kitchen counter where a tray of your favorite cookies were cooling down. "Anyway, I got everything set up for us. Tonight's games include..." He paused briefly and stared at you with a brow raised, expecting you to give him a drumroll.

"I can't believe you actually put Uno out again after last time." (y/n) gave a cocky smirk. "

"Well, dumbass, if you would give me a goddamn drumroll, I'd tell you what games we have," he said sarcastically. He dramatically nodded his head towards you once more, still waiting for you to engage in his antics.

With an exasperated sigh, you shuffled over to the counter. Your hands settled atop the surface, quickly patting a beat for him.

"Thank you! Now." (c/n) motioned to the games spread across the coffee table. "We have Uno, Mario Kart, Mario Party, and Stardew Valley."

You snatched a freshly baked cookie from the baking tray before walking into the living room. As you plopped down onto his couch, you swung your legs over the armrest. "What about Mario Kart?" You inquired with a raise of your eyebrow.

(c/n) entered the living room with a drink in each hand. He passed one to you as he sat down beside you. He leaned over and took a bite of the cookie in your hand just to antagonize you. To his surprise, you didn't seem to mind. You were more focused on grabbing a controller and setting the game up.

After about 45 minutes – and (c/n) practically begging for two more matches – he still came in second place, losing to you once again. "I dunno, it sounds like a skill issue to me." You shrugged. "Maybe you should work on your drifting skills. I saw you completely run off rainbow road a couple times. If you need the steering assistance just say that, pookiebear!"

(c/n)'s jaw dropped. "I invite you to my house, bake you cookies, *entertain you.* And this is the thanks I get?" His voice was laced with mock disbelief. "...That's it. I'm marrying Abigail in Stardew."

"THE ROCK MUNCHER????" (y/n) exclaimed as she stood up from the couch. "CRAZY."

"Then you can go after Sebastian. Your dream guy without the casualties." It wasn't hard to miss the almost jealous and offended tone that dripped from his words. After all, he couldn't stand when you would come over just to rave about whichever fictional guy was living rent-free in your head that month. Was there really no room for him? Not even a little?

"I wasn't going to *actually* marry him,' you conceded. 'Was (c/n) actually bothered by that possibility?' you wondered. You crossed your arms over your chest. A pondering beat of silence passed between the two of you before you proposed your solution. "Fine. I won't marry Sebby if you won't marry the rock girl."

"Sebby?" He side-eyed you with a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips. "Hmm. Y'know, I could just give you the bouquet instead. It would be easier not having to track the characters down for gifts."

A teasing glint flickered in your eyes for a brief moment. You booted up the game and sat back down on the couch. His knee brushed against yours before repositioning himself as the familiar and soothing tune of "Stardew Valley Overture" played over the t.v. speakers. A couple of drinks and a tray of cookies later, you both had made some decent progress in your co-op farm. You spent the last week of winter in-game fighting for your lives in the Skull Caverns until the first week of spring rolled around.

It was getting close to 2am in-game, and he noticed you weren't running back to the farm yet. (c/n) saw your character standing at the river with a line casted but unmoving even when the controller vibrated. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw your chin drooping and your hands relaxed around the controller. "(y/n)?" He called your name out softly earning no response from you. (c/n) carefully removed the joycons from your hands and maneuvered your character to safety. He ensured the game was saved before shutting down the console.

He stood up from his spot and leaned down towards you. He hooked an arm underneath your legs while the other cradled your head. Your head slumped over and rested on his chest. The smile on his lips was completely involuntary.

"Did I catch it?" You murmured out half-conscious.

"Yeah. you got 'em," he murmured back as he carried you to his bedroom. Gently he laid you down on his mattress and tucked you in. He plugged in your phone and crawled into bed with you. "Goodnight, (y/n)..." He gave you one last longing gaze before he turned his back to you and settled in for the night.



Jade: So that was a doozy. I can't believe y'all actually read the original version of this. And ENJOYED it....... T.T

Saph: We literally didn't even give crumbs the first go around. It was just dialogue...

Jade: Dialogue and timeskips.

Saph: Hopefully this one is better in all sense of the word. Plus, we kinda changed the roles here.

Jade: I do like how it's more like the crush is into the reader rather than the other way around.

QOTD: Are you an Eren Jaeger apologist?


Jade: I-.

Saph: In regards to his looks, yes. Everything else? No. (He could still hit.)

Jade: LISTEN the man bun was NICE but. No, I can't condone it. It's like those AITA threads on reddit that result in Everyone Sucks Here. (He most def could hit.)

Saph: Actually, how many shots would it take? If he was actually willing and wouldn't kill you on sight?

Jade: ... None.

Saph: I'm afraid I would have to agree.

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