Request #2

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"(C/N) I swear if you touch me again I'm going to slap you."

"Is that so?" (C/N) chuckles and pokes her arm again.

— S m a c k —

"OW. What the heck (Y/N)!" (C/N) was lucky the car didn't drift, as he was driving and the girl beside him had slapped his arm.

"I warned you." (Y/N) twisted back around in her seat, crossing her arms over her chest. She couldn't stand that boy, and their families just had to plan a beach trip together.

He huffs our a sigh and turns on the radio.

After 31 more minutes in a car with him, (Y/N) hopped out as soon as the car was in the parking spot.

"Woah, slow down," (C/N) says aggravated.

She smiled sarcastically and slipped into a near by restroom. A few minutes later she came out in a (f/c) swimsuit and had fixed her hair. Adjusting her cover-up, (Y/N) walked to a bench and waited for (C/N).

(C/N) quietly sneaks up behind her and grabs her shoulders. "Well don't you look lovely."

(Y/N) tensed under his touch, her brain working overtime to keep the blush from coloring her face.

He smiles at (Y/N) sweetly. "Ready to go?"

She shrugged his hands off of her, and stood up, denying to herself how good he looked. "Sure."

He kept nudging into her along the beach. "Why you sad?" (I don't know nan molla)

"I'm not sad. I just can't believe my parents made me agree to this."

"Ouch." (C/N) sounded actually hurt, which wasn't exactly the goal.

"I mean, don't get me wrong, I don't mind going out with your family to the beach; But, I'd rather be cuddled up and eating food," (Y/N) says in hopes to not hurt his feelings even more. "Speaking of, where is your family?"

He still seemed a bit shut down. "They were still at home when I went to pick you up. I'll call them."  While (C/N) did that, (Y/N) laid out her beach towel and sat watching the waves.

"So, um. My little brother got sick, and they aren't coming." C/N sat down closely beside her, but not close enough to make her uncomfortable.

"So.. are you just going to stay with me and my family this weekend? I understand if you want to go back home. We don't have to stay here."

"We're already here, might as well enjoy it." (y/n) laid back on the towel.
She focuses her attention on the distant waves softly humming to herself.

(C/N) let her sit in silence for a few minutes, but after that he couldn't stand the quiet. He liked her voice too much.  Therefore, he began digging a hole around her.

(Y/N) sits up. "What are you doing?"

"Digging a hole."

"No shit. But why?"

"Because, you're a castle, and every good castle has a moat ."

(Y/N) snorts loudly. She covers her mouth in embarrassment. "Loser."

(C/N)'s eyes lit back up. "I could be your loser.." he thought.

She scrunches her nose at his expression. "I think I'm going to go dip my feet in the water."

"I'll go with you." C/N brushed sand off his legs and stood up, offering a hand to Y/N.

"Why thank you," she giggles and gladly takes his hand.

C/N had never been more confused about a girl in his life. One minute she hated him, and the next she was all smiles. But she was beautiful, so it didn't matter. He hesitated to let go of her hand and walked beside her to the water.

She walks into the clear blue ocean until the water reaches up to her ankles. When he isn't looking, she kicks up the water at him.

His head quickly turns to her. "You didn't."

"I swear that was a fish!" She giggles innocently. "You have to believe me!"

He playfully glares at her as an idea pops into his head. Smiling at Y/N, he stalks towards her, and quickly snatches her off her feet — walking out to the deeper water.

"No, no! What are you doing?! No!!!" Y/N's cries were cut short by her being dropped into the water.

"I can't swim!"

C/N laughs as he reaches into the water and picks her back up. "You're fine."

(Y/N) gives him the deadliest glare she could muster. "Bring me back to shore so I can kill you."

"Why would I do that?" He smiles at her.

"Now." She tries to hide her blush but fails.

He laughs and sets her down on her feet in the water, wiping a strand of hair away from her forehead.

She scrunches her nose but continues to glare at him.

"You're cute when you're angry." He smiles but blushes, because he hadn't meant to say that out loud. "I mean.. you're cute all the time, but, uh.." His lips tightened and smiles nervously. "Sorry."

She softly punches his arm. "No need to be sorry..." she narrows her eyes at him. "Except.. I'm cold now and it is all your fault."

"We can go wrap up." He scratches the back of his neck.

"T-Thank you."

He smiled and started walking to shore. When they got there, he wrapped his towel around her because it had less sand. "We can sit and dry out, then head out?"

She nods and snuggles up to him. "Today was fun even if you are annoying."

He was caught off guard. C/N uncertainly wrapped his arm around her. He cleared his throat. "Yeah, I enjoyed it too."

— — — — —


Cookie: Ta-Daaa

Saph: I hope you like it. (kayden12-2003)

Cookie: look out for the next!

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