Request #1

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This one goes out to the DustyTri1807, because he gave us the idea in a comment to take requests. Hope you enjoy bud.
It's written in the guys POV for a change. Being as neither of us are guys, we apologize in advance.

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Today is Halloween. All the seniors and juniors are going out and partying. Sophomores and freshmen are gathering together to watch scary movies. It was a spoooy time of the year. But to (C/N), the only spoopy thing about today was his advanced biology teacher. The teacher came in looking more witchy than usual and offered the class candy, but no one accepted the offer. Maybe it was because a class full of freshmen didn't want candy or maybe it was because they were afraid of there hidden razor blades in the chocolate. Take your pick.

(Y/N) was nervously sitting in his desk, leg bouncing. He wasn't paying attention to the lecture, but he was looking at her.
Her name is (C/N), and she was perfect in every way. (C/h/c) hair, (c/e/c) eyes, and most beautiful face in the 9th grade.

(c/n) had the highest grade in the class but was modest. Not to mention she shares the same schedule as (y/n). The pair had grown up together, and thought she had other friends, she tended to hang out with (y/n) more.

Though she would never think of him more than a friend, but it was nice to be around her anyway.

Then the worst thing happened. She caught him staring. (Y/N)'s leg ceased to move, as well as his heart beat for the few seconds they made eye contact.

This is why, when the bell rang for break, (Y/N) practically bolted out of the class room. He made his way to his locker to switch out his lovely bio for his equally lovely geometry book.

When he goes to turn around, he hears, "Boo!"
He lets out a high pitched scream. (C/N) laughs at his reaction. "I see puberty hasn't hit yet," she giggles jokingly.
He tried to be angry, but how could he stay upset with a smile like that plastered on (C/N)'s face?
"It has." He said defensively.
"If you say so." (C/N) is still giggling, "Anyway, I wanted to invite you to a Halloween party tonight."
"A party? Who's?" (Y/N) looks a little taken aback. He was one of those freshman hoping he could watch a scary movie alone with her instead of being surrounded by horny drunks.
"Mine. It won't be much of a party, there's only a few other people coming, but it'd be pretty cool if you could make it."
"Sure. What are you dressing up as?" He asks while they walk to their next class together.
"I'm going as the devil." She hugs her books closer to her chest.
"I knew you were an angel" (Y/N) muttered, and when asked what he said: "I think that's cool?"
"What about you?" She nudges him softly.
"I haven't figured out yet." In hopes that he could see her alone before the party, he asks, "So do you need any help to get the party ready?"
"Nah, mom will get it. But you could always come over early anyway." She winked with a smile, and passed the threshold into Geometry.

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That afternoon after school, (Y/N) sat in his bedroom, trying to pick the perfect outfit for (C/N)'s party. He decided that he wasn't going to dress up, but just go in jeans and a tee. He looks down at his watch there's still an hour before he has to be there. He heads downstairs and asks his mom if he can over to (C/N)'s house. She gave him a little nod and waved goodbye. Thank god they lived in the same neighborhood. He sent her a text letting her know he was there.

She opened the door and smiled at him. He had to hold his jaw shut. She was in a black and red skirt that went down to her knees, and a cute black top that had devils horn printed on it. She also wore devil horns on her head. She made a cute devil.

"Wow.. Uh." He smiled back at her, and she motioned for him to come inside.  They spend the next hour and half finishing the decorations and the food. It's now 7:30pm, and no one had shown up.

"Do you think anyone's coming?" He asks.

"My friends should be," she quickly grabs her phone and sends a message to them. A few minutes later her phone vibrates and a message pops up. She stares at the phone and clicks the power button.

"So it'll just be us and all this food..." she says embarrassed.

"Are they busy?" He tilts his head.

"Yeah they decided to go to a senior party."

(Y/N) scratches his neck. "Ah perks of having a senior boyfriend I guess," he laughs. "It's fine. So wanna watch a movie?"

"You grab the food!" She sticks her tongue out and runs to the couch.

They both get situated and turn on a scary movie. About 10 minutes in the movie, (C/N) is already hiding her face in his shoulder. He looks down at the rather cute sight and chuckles to himself. He lightly pats her head, and she snuggles closer. Better than any party.

Saph: I hope this suffices.
Cookie: We tried..
Saph: sorry if this isn't what you wanted. We tried to message you to get more info.
Cookie: yeah
Saph: Happy (Late) Halloween!!!!!


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