Water Balloon Fight

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A/N: Welcome to the fourth oneshot of this train wreck in which the chapters are literally pulled from the Goblet of Fire. 

Saph: The Goblet of Fire was my idea c:

Cookie: It was my Keds box. OH. By the way, in this one, your crush is your boyfriend.


(Y/N) P.O.V.

You stared at the receipt in your hands, hoping that your eyes were fooling you. "300 hundred." You looked at him then back down. "300 hundred. Did you really think that we would need 300 hundred?" You shook your head. "Balloons. Water balloons."

(C/N) just shrugged. "I don't see a problem here."

You gave him 'that' look. (C/N) laughed and smiled at you with a grin that he knew you wouldn't be able to resist. "They're multi-colored too!"

Letting the internal war show, you finally gave into the smile trying to form on your face. Shaking your head once again you looked at your boyfriend. You sighed as he batted his eyelashes with his pouty lip out. "Fine," you groaned. "But I won't be the one filling the balloons up."

"Okay," he said. "Then I'll be outside filling them up while you go put on your swim suit" Winking, he walked out of the room. Rolling your eyes, you went to go change. After doing so, you looked out the window at (C/N) filling water balloons. You got a brilliant idea and quietly went outside to the water pump to increase the amount of water pressure coming from the nozzle. Not but a few seconds later, you watched and laughed as the water hose went berzerk on (C/N), him jumping and yelling at the feeling of cold water soaking him entirely.

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He yelled, then picked up the water balloons he had filled up and chunking them at you.

"Nuuu!! I SOWWY!" You yell as you run for cover.

Laughing he chased you and brought the balloons with him. "Get back here and let me love youuuu!!!!"

"Nevuh!" You start running faster. He catches up to you and grabs your waist with one arm pulling you to his chest. He pops a water balloon on your head as you struggle out of his grip. You squeal and giggle as you try to run away again.

Quickly grabbing your wrist he turned you around, pulling you close. As soon as he was about to kiss you... He popped another balloon over you head and ran for his life. 



Cookie: *throws the multiple rough drafts of this chapter into the ceiling fan*

Saph: Confetti! It's a parade!! (Brownie points goes to anyone who gets that reference and the gag reel from the season too!)

Cookie: So get this.... You should, like, totes leave a vote and/or a comment for all the references we have made in that past chapters and those to come.

Saph: Does anybody even read the authors' notes? 

Cookie: Probs not. BUT Whatevs. Just in case.


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