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I found myself questioning things at times
Is this what is meant to be?
Is it the end?
Seems like i have been absorbed into the ocean of desire,
Waiting to reach the bottom,
Only to find myself in a bottom-less pit.
I am fated to be acquainted by a few,
While others call me theirs.
But i still wonder,
Is this what is meant to be?
Is it the end?
I am supposed to be the writer of my own story,
But I'm being written by others.
The opinions, the actions, the complications,
I'm to be a girl, friend, daughter, sister, mother and a wife.
But am i just all of this?
At the end i wonder,
Is this what is meant to be?
Is it the end?
Now I'm looking for a ray of light,
So that i can find my way back to the shore,
So that i can breathe,
So that i can be free,
From what is meant to be,
And the legendary end of a beautiful story.

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