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The thoughts that cant be silenced easily
Have you been there in the ocean of the what ifs?
Those imaginary scenarios?
Those drowning sensation?
It feels like im trapped under an frozen lake,
With just a layer of ice keeping me away from reality,
Like people walking over me not even noticing that I'm not there,
Like im non existent?
Have you ever felt that each breath is essential to survive?
To hold on and hang in just right there?
Like i see all those air filled bubbles are much free than i am?
Like I'm trapped in an invisible room without doors that keep moving towards me at a faster pace?
Like i just cant escape?
Have you ever felt like you don't have a voice anymore?
Like you try but unable to talk?
Like you have this imaginary duct tape on you that say's SMILE ?
Relatable right?
The thoughts that keep me awake with a pit in my stomach,
The thoughts that barely let me breathe,
The thoughts that i can't shake off my body,
The 3 am thoughts!

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