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Have you ever thought that the stages of the moon teach the stages of life?
Yes, if the full moon teaches to burn bright, the no moon teaches that the dark side of life isn't permanent, the half-moon teaches to be patient to reach the brightest side of life.
Thus, from the darkest to the brightest and again to the darkest and the cycle repeats...
              Be like the moon...
Tears are emotional pearls rolling down your cheeks!
They are of different kinds,
The happy ones have a smile, while the sad ones have a memory!
The unique and same quality of them is:
They can arrive at the same time to create a wonderful story...

You shattered my heart into millions of pieces that can never be put together,
But I turned each of those into a million unbreakable hearts by giving them the love and strength it required to face billions like you,
Cause I know what I am and no need for you to judge me!
I'm myself and no one else can be me...!
Sitting, watching the night sky!
Going down the lane of memories, with pain in heart and tears in eyes!
When all the memories of joy becomes the memories of sorrows and pain!
With tears rolling down my cheeks and heavy heart, I let my mind wash your memories away with tears!

You and Me are on the same river, but different boats!
I get hurt mentally, you get hurt physically.
I have a hole in my heart, you have a hole in your boat.
The only difference between You and Me is:
We are two bodied but one soul!

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