Chapter 2

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Eyes wide and looking frantically around the bathroom, Levi's heart raced, thumping loudly in his chest.

"F-Farlan...?" he called out again.

But there was still no Farlan.

'But he was...he was right here...' thought Levi.

Swallowing the lump in his throat, Levi reached behind him, grabbing his pants and shirt and quickly slipping them on, still staring about the room. Was that only his mind playing games on him? But, he was sure he felt someone touch his shoulder...

Reaching for the doorknob, Levi grabbed it, twisting it and opening the bathroom door. Taking one look behind him and into the bathroom, Levi blinked.

"Yeah...I'll....see you later, Farlan."

And with that, he walked out of the bathroom, turning off the light and heading for the kitchen.

Walking with cautious steps, Levi made his way into the kitchen, over by the counter. He had started to make his coffee and had stepped over to the fridge, opening it and feeling the slight chill it realised onto him. A chil ran down his spine. Not from the cold, hell, he was used to that, it was seemed...fimilar. It felt like the touch he felt in the bathroom...

He shook his head, trying to clear his mind. He quickly shut the fridge and walked over to the counter, taking a seat in one of the stools. He stared off into space, waiting for his coffee to brew and thinking about his job again.

Levi wondered if he'd be let into Lab 2's cold storage unit finally. It'd been a month and he still wasn't allowed to go in there. He hadn't known why, but every time he went to go in there, either Hanji or Erwin would quickly run up to him and and stand in front of the door, telling him that he wasn't allowed in there. When he asked them why, they'd tell him "that he just couldn't". What had been so important in there, anyhow? What were they hiding from him...?

The door to Lab 2 was a large, solid metal door painted white, with no window on it, so he couldn't at least see in at what could be in there.

He also had wondered about the large gray bag Hanji brought out and into Lab 1, their main lab, about 2 weeks ago. She was working over-time with Erwin, and they had told Levi to just go home; get some rest. Levi found it to be suspicious, but did it anyway. But once he left the building, he realized he had left his wallet back inside, on one of the large tables they had in that lab. So, he went back inside to get it.

Once inside, he opened up Lab 1's door, it not being locked, and walked in to seeing Hanji and Erwin beginning to open a large gray bag. There was a large label on it that said:

T/L, of C,F

Just as Levi read the label from the doorway, Hanji and Erwin spotted him with wide eyes. They had quickly stepped in front of, shooing him from the lab and locking the door once they had shoved him out. They hadn't even let him get his wallet. Again, Levi found the suspicious.

"What the hell are you two doing in there?!" he shouted. "Let me back in!!"

He had pounded on the door about a million times before he remembered he had the keys to let him inside the lab. As he reached to grab them, he realized they were gone. They must've stolen them from him when the forced him to exit. Something was going on.

He hissed and swore, pounding on the door harder than last time. About 10 minutes later, he gave up, realizing that they wouldn't let him back in. He hissed, swearing more as he stomped out of the building, mounting his horse and riding home. They gave him back his keys the next morning when he went back into work, not answering him when he asked them what was going on and why exactly had they needed to take his keys from him. And, as usual, he still wasn't allowed into Lab 2.

Blinking himself out of his thoughts, Levi got up to fetch a mug from the cabinets overhead of the kitchen counter, then walking over towards his coffee pot. Grabbing it and pouring some into his mug, he leaned against the counter, staring about his kitchen.

'I wonder if I could sneak into the lab,' Levi thought, but he shook his head. No, that'd be of no use. They catch him, just like they did every other time. He narrowed his eyes.

"I'll just make them tell me what's in there," he mumbled. It could work. If course, they all found Levi to be scary, so he was sure he could get them to finally tell him.

Eventually finishing his coffee, he put his mug in the sink, then walking over to the front door and putting on his black dress shoes. Once his shoes were on, he adjusted his shirt collar, grabbing his lab keys on a ring from ontop of a shelf beside the door. Putting them into his pocket, he grabbed the doorknob, opening the door and walking out, the morning sunlight raining down on him.

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