Chapter 5

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Author's note: Hey, everyone! Sorry this has taken me forever to update. I'm going to keep trying to update this story, since I know how many of you like it! (P.S., sorry for this short chapter)


Arising slowly, with a glance at the shaking man in his arms, Levi gently gripped his shoulders, hoisting him up with him.

"Now, come on," he said, maintaining a steady tone. "We've, erm, got to get you better for today."

The young, shaky blonde just sniffled and sobbed, keeping his head down and his knees wobbling, looking as if they'd buckle any second.

Levi spotted this with a quick glance, and felt an immediate over-protectiveness wash over him, thus making him pick up Farlan bridal style, before he even knew that he was doing.

Farlan had gasped, but continued his sobs and he gripped onto Levi's shirt and shoved his face into the older male's shoulder.

Sighing, Levi shook his head slightly, trying to shake the gained sadness off from all this, and strode out of the dingy cell, trying to catch up to Hanji.

He tried to keep his head up, not wanting to look down at the awful sight in which he held in his arms.

"This is pure madness," he thought, a stabbed feeling in his heart.

His poor Farlan..his poor poor Farlan..

How could this have happened?

"Hurry up, Levi! We gotta get this medication in him before it's past the initial time!" called a voice at the front of the narrow hall.

Hanji stood there, swinging a set of keys with her fingers, back against the open metal door. She seemed a bit impatient.

Grumbling as he made his way towards her, trying to act normal, he sighed.

"Stop being so damn impatient, I'm getting there.."

"Well, I'm just sayin'!" shouted the other, quickly shoving herself off the door, thus grabbing the handle and closing it, a small bang erupting.

Now, Levi thought, was surely the time to see pure hell.

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