Twist in the Night

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A/N: hi guys so how have you been? This is chapter 3 finally, Vote or comment. Enjoy

Chapter 3

As the show came to an end, they let us into another room which a dinner party was being held. I then excused myself to Elizabeth and made my way to the water closet. As I enter there are already two female inside and having a conversation.

"Leonora, are you sure that he is actually in this event?" Asked the first woman.

"Of course I'm sure Sarah, I saw him enter the Opera House" Answered the woman while fixing her hair and makeup.

"I hope he did enjoy the performance" Sarah said and they left.

After seeing them leave I then started retouching and fixing my hair. When I'm already done I left the room and went towards the party hall. People are already gazing towards me murmurs are heard across the hall, just then Elizabeth came to fetch me and take me away from the crowd.

"There you are Valeria, I've been looking for you" She told me while taking a glass of champagne.

"I told you I was going to the water closet, or did you forget already?" I asked and she just laughed.

Then I started to notice that more and more people are gazing at our side. But Elizabeth told me to just ignore them.

We got inside, and I get to greet some of my colleagues and Elizabeth's friends in Baltimore but my mind was actually not in them. For I was thinking of someone else

"Elizabeth" called a man that has a strong and captivating Lithuanian accent like me. As Elizabeth looked to the man who called her name I quickly turned around to see who he is. A man wearing a Black suit with a white shirt and a grey patterned tie. His hair is slicked back showing pure elegance and grace but what I notice most is his eyes; maroon.

"Hannibal Lecter, glad to finally see you" She stated and I was shocked this is Hannibal now? Different, a very different man. He was not the man I expect him to be. Elizabeth then saw me gazing at them which made her giggle, wait giggle?.

"Oh I forgot to introduce you, this is.... " She said but was cut short when the mic was opened by somebody, we then looked and saw Sarah; the lady who was in the water closet before.

"Welcome everyone to 25th annual charity ball, I know that every year we tend to make this charity enjoyable with all our gimmicks and auctions, and usual we have the date the highest bidder auction" She said. Oh no.

She looked at the crowd while the people are clapping their which it's like she's searching for someone.

"Usually we pick the females to be auctioned by voting but since this is quite a special night, we will pick those who will participate randomly" She proudly said and let her waitresses roam around, one of them saw me and took me up to the stage, this is a charity event so Valeria act sport,this is what I keep telling to myself while being dragged away. Oh no.

We were seven women in total, and I was in the last. As they started the auction I can't help but look at the ladies in front of me, they are very beautiful and it is obvious in their clothes that they are rich, filthy rich.

Money was pouring, men are really into this kind of auctions. Money to them is no problem, they just want to make sure they will get who they are in favor.

The girl before me was sold in $75.000.00 which was shocking to me. As I look to the men, I can see their willingness to win just by looking at their eyes.

As the girl came down, a man then escorted me up to the stage, Sarah then started to talked.

"Our last girl to be auctioned, is someone you haven't seen in here but take note that she is quite well known, a lady well known in the economical and pharmaceutical industry, a lady that has taken over hundreds of companies and growing and the lady who none know about her life after work." She then looked at me and smiled.

"Ready your money men, for she is quite expensive. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Lady Valeria De Lorienné, CEO of
De Lorienné Eco Industries" After she said my name men and women were totally shocked to see what I really look like in person and so I was for they didn't actually asked questions about me. Yes I admit I was actually a girl born with a golden spoon in my mouth. But aside from being a surgeon I am also a chemist that's why my company keeps growing. I am really involved in the field of medicine.

"And the bidding starts at $40.000.00" She said and started the bidding.

As time passes, people got noisier while the bidding goes higher and higher, which also makes my heart beats faster, I just hope they just end it already so I can pay the one who will buy me.

"$80.000.00" Somebody yelled.

"$87.000.00" Yelled another. I'm getting frustrated now.

"$89.000.00" A man from the back yelled. I can't see his face clearly but this was his first bid, I can tell. Another man wearing a black tuxedo looked at him and smirked.

"$95.000.00" Yelled the man in Tux.

Oh please somebody save me now....

"$150.000.00" Someone yelled, the voice came from where Elizabeth is, finally she found someone who will save me.... Yeah...

Everybody gasped for the huge bid but I didn't because my mind was only focused on letting this get over with.

Sarah then asked if there are still who will bid but the hall was silent now showing complete surrender to the man who is the highest bidder.

"Sold!, to the man in the right side of the hall, if you may come and received your price" She said and then walked towards me.

"Ms. De Lorienné, I hope you will forgive this and I hope the is no Ill will between us" She said in a apologetic tone.

"It's fine, it's for the charity after all" I said and we waited for the one who will take me to dinner.

When the man came up on the stage my smile quickly disappeared and was changed by shocked.

"The highest bidder is Hannibal Lecter, congratulations" She said and left us on the stage together.

And actually after that all I did was stare at him questioningly.

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