The Broken Mirror

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Chapter 18

"Will, we received this package earlier today" Jack said as he handed him a blue box. "It was addressed to you and Hannibal but we have to check it first before visiting Hannibal again"

Will then nodded at him and started to open the box. Inside was a CD, an identical copy like the one they've received before that has Dr. Chilton's footage before they saw him burned in a fountain.

"This was from the Dragon" He said and then they went where Hannibal is.

Will's POV

Entering Hannibal's room was last place I want to be but at this moment I have no other choice, he have to see this.

"Hello Will and Jack" Hannibal greeted. I then just look at him without answering and continue walking. Alana was already in there for before we even went here, I already called her to prepare a player.

"Here's the tape Alana" I said as I handed her the CD.

"What will be watching Will?" Hannibal asked.

"A gift from you special friend"

Moments later the tape played and the footage then show the face of Valeria. Alana then started to cry while looking at the tape. Valeria has her eyes close, she was breathing lightly but it was only her face that was being shown.

"Tell me your name?" A man's voice was suddenly heard. She then opened her eyes to look at the camera.

"Valeria De Lorienné.." She said but then a hand smacked her. Her face suddenly becomes red but she didn't cry. Not even a single tear.

"Your real name!?" The voice from the video asked once more.

" Aušrinė Grėtė Kęsgailos De Lorienné Lecter! that's my true full name" She said.

Suddenly the video started to change it's focus and was now starting to show her full body. And that's when I regret for even wanting to see this video.

She was tied up and hanged like a chandelier. Her once blonde hair had turn into crimson red. Dried blood was all over her hands. The good thing is that, the hand we found before didn't belong to her for it was from another victim. But little did I know things will suddenly become worst.

" Aušrinė you want to tell something to them before we start the show?" The voice suddenly ask. She was reluctant at first but then she opened her mouth.

"If you are watching this footage, you are assured that I am not in good hands" And then her eyes started to water. "Do not bother to look for me, I have found my happiness in the greatness of the dragon. I am willing to sacrifice myself for his becoming. My life is not important compared to his" And then Francis Dolarhyde came into the scene. He then started to hold her face.

"Look at the camera Aušrinė, they are watching for you. Tell them more" He then walk away once more.

"Will, I know your watching. If this will be my ending I want you to know that I am truly grateful that you have been one of my close friend. Alana, you are the only girl that I even laid my faith on. You are the one who help me regain my Psyche as much as I help you regain yours" Another tear then fall into her eyes. "Jack, I am glad that you had been a father figure to me. Thank you for taking care of me and for keeping all the promises we've made before" She then bowed her head while she continued on sobbing. And then he look up once more.

"And finally Hannibal, you said to me before that you will be always there for me. When you save me before I belived that promise. As the years past, I've searched for you for I want to return that promise but now at this moment I think I had failed" She then chuckle while still letting her tears flow. "I was always the damsel in distress in our life, but you are never my Knight in shining armour. No one has the capability to take hold of you, for you are truly unique. You are someone, that even with my best efforts will never fall in love in me. I never said this to you but only now, for I finally had the courage to accept everything. You are only curious of how my mind works, you are curious of me for I resemble Mischa's characteristics. I already saw the truth in your eyes. At first, I thought you married me because you truly care for me but now as I've realized some things, I've finally come into the conclusion that I was just only living in a world full of fantasy. I gave my heart to you for I hope that your curiosity may somehow blossom into something else but it didn't. But still I was happy for you gave me a vow that I will cherish up to my death, I will never forget those words you have said even if those we're only lies. You truly are a dangerous man, capable of manipulation. But you are the man I truly love. I'm sorry she was the one they killed not me" She then put up a smile but then bowed.

Francis Dolarhyde then came back but was now holding a whip and a knife. He touch her face one more and he then look at the camera.

"Shall we start Aušrinė?" She then nodded at him and smiled.

"Valeria" I shouted even though I know she would never hear me. Francis then started to cut her hand and she wail in pain. Blood started to cover while Francis continues to cut her body. Once and ounce of blood was oozing from her delicate body. But it only comes worst when he started to lash her with the whip.

For every lash a whimper was made. She was trying her best to contain the pain and still smile at the camera. After a few more lashes he finally stopped. Her body was now covered in cuts.

"Tell them where you are Aušrinė" Francis said to her.

"At my own home in Baltimore" She said and her smile finally faded.

Dolarhyde then positioned the camera to himself. "At this moment you are in a game, can you save this broken mirror?" He said and position the camera back at Valeria. Then it all went black.

"Where is Valeria's new house Will?" Alana said while looking at me with tears in her eyes.

"I know where they are"

We then look at Hannibal, who still have no emotion in here face.

"Let him out!" Alana ordered her staff. I then hold her and look at her. "Are you crazy Alana?" I asked. She then shook her head and tried to push me away.

"If he is the only way to save her now Will, I won't care to let him go!"

"You can't just do that Alana!" Jack yelled at her.

"She will die Jack if still won't do something!, he knows where there are for she trust him more that she trust us!" Alana yelled back and finally pushing me off her.
"I swear if you let me go and let me help you we may be able to save her. I am now willing to cooperate to all of you. For I made a promise to her and I have to keep my promises. I don't want to pretend anymore. To hide my emotions, I don't care if this will be my indignity. You want to see my weakness? She is truly my weakness!. Let me help you, let me save her. For I don't want to see her dead without her knowing that what she thinks about me is all a lie"

Hannibal then let himself kneeling to the ground.

"Just let me go"

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