Chapter 38

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I looked up at the star covered sky. It was a breathtaking view. The sounds of the steady water and its salty scent consumed me. I breathed in, and held onto the railing while arching my back forward. This felt perfect, until I felt someone's presence next to me. Devin looped an arm around my waist and held onto the railing, trapping me between his arm and the railing. I opened my eyes and looked over at the idiot who did that, only to find him smirking down at me.

"I didn't ask for your company." I stated, looking away from him and back at the steady ocean.

He didn't respond. He only nuzzled himself closer to me.

"If you're trying to seduce me, it's not working," I said as I tried to escape his firm grasp.

"Why would I try when I already have." His statement made a shocked expression consume my face.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't tell me you already forgot about your little confession." He brought his hand up and trailed it along my collar bone. What is up with him being all touchy touchy? I did not sign up for this. Wait, I kind of did.

I caught his hand once it reached my shoulder and took it off of me.

"No, I haven't forgotten and what I meant with that is that you're attractive looking. I bet you get that all the time, Devin."

"I do." His egoistic smirk reached his lips, and I couldn't help but look away. He's so full of himself.

I continued to watch the steady dance of the water, ignoring Devin's presence. Maybe if I ignored him, he would go away.

Minutes passed in silence with us in the same position. He hadn't let go and it was starting to annoy me.

"What do you want?" I asked him when I felt an hour had gone by. Only I bet an hour hadn't gone by and it was only me being my impatient self.

It took him some time to answer since he was still looking out thinking about things.

"What do you mean?"

"This. Well, whatever this is," I said pointing to my surroundings.

Did he really think he could change my mind with all of this? I wasn't going to be manipulated any longer and used for his own selfish desires. I bet there was something that he didn't want to lose when we divorced since a person would not change over night. He was still his player self to me, and he wasn't going to win me over by playing a little game with me.

"This is me trying to be a better husband. This is me giving my wife a dinner date." Why was he now calling me his wife as if he really cared? I'm going to give myself a headache with all these questions roaming around in my head.


"Because you want a divorce and this is me showing you why not to."

"But why go through all the trouble of doing this? We both know you never wanted to get married to me. Heck, you even left me because of that. This is your opportunity to get rid of me." I looked at him and searched his eyes for any clue of what he was thinking. He gave me none.

"Maybe I've changed," he said as he shrugged his shoulders.

I scuffed in his face. Change. Devin. Yeah, no.

"What? Maybe I have. You don't know."

"How am I supposed to know you've change?" I asked him. I cocked my head to the side and waited for his response.

He closed the only space that was between us and pressed me against him. What is he doing? I'm starting to question his actions a lot since his change.

Without my consent he took my lips in his, meshing our lips together. He placed a hand behind my neck and nibbled on my bottom lip.

Dear lord, what is even happening right now? I have to stop him. Yes, stop him.

I brought my hands in front of me and pushed his chest, leaving me a hot mess.

How could I let him do that? I was not going to let him use me for his own self desires, and here I was letting him use me just for that.

I was furious with myself and him.

I brought my hand to my lips and let my fingertips touch my swollen lips.

How could he?

I looked at him and on his face was his smirk. The one I had seen too many times in one night. How I want to just slap it away.

That's what I did. I brought my hand and slapped his cheek with all the force I could muster. Not only did I feel the sting on my hand, but I could also see the evidence of my actions displayed on Devin's cheek as a big red mark.

"How-How could you!" I screamed to his face. "I don't know what you want from me, but all I will tell you is you're not getting it. I will have the divorce papers on your office table by the morning." I went to turn around and as expected, I was stopped by Devin's hand on my wrist. He turned me around and for a couple of seconds and just stared at me. He soon let go, and walked to a door where he soon disappeared into.

I stood where I was for what felt like forever, until I looked up at the stars gleaming in the sky. I should've stopped all of this when I had a chance to. I have to pay the price for my actions. I should've stopped being such a pushover sooner.

This night was just perfect.


Wooop there it is their first kiss. It kind of didn't work out so good....

So I was planning on updating earlier but I had a bit of a set back when writers block came around the corner for a couple of days.

Okay so before I leave you guys I want to start something with you, my readers. I want to get to interact with you more in a way. So I have decided to read stories written by you guys. If you have a story that you would want me to read, vote, and comment just comment it.....


I am looking forward to reading your stories (: I hope you are enjoying mine so far.

Please vote and comment.

Bye ( :

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