part 2

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Canberra, 8 March, 2005M.

Amin Abdul-Samad

About the Author:Muhammad'Isā Dāwūd was born at al-Ismailiyah in 1957 andobtained his Licence (B.A.) degree in the Department of OrientalLanguages and Studies at Cairo University. He is an editor to the Akhbār al-Yawm nespaper.About the Interviewed Jinni (Unseen Being): His name is Ibn Kanjūr. He claims to be originally from Bombay in India. He is 180 years old corresponding to between 15 and 17 years old ofhuman beings. His father called Hūd was 950 years old. His great grandfather died when he tried to listen to the angels' conversation in heaven, and shooting stars were thrown at him. 1 How old are the jinn?They can live for thousands years. Some of them live for 4 thousand,5 thousand, 6 thousand, even 7 thousand years, but very rarely. Unfortunately, Ibn Kanjūr did not tell us the approximate jinn populationof this earth. As they had been here on the earth before human beings, and have lived much longer, they must have filled this globe with their kind.Fortunately, they are created differently from us, and live differently, sothat, in general, we do not disturb each other.Where do the jinn live?They live everywhere. Since the globe consists of only 28 % land, but 72 % water, most of their cities and central governments are on water,in deep oceans and in rivers. They also live in deserts (and are called"ghouls"), in isolated places, in caves, in mountains, in valleys, in jungles,on roofs of houses, in rooms, in bathrooms as well as ditches (gutters).1


It is mentioned in surat al-Jinn "'And we [the jinn] pried into the (secrets of)heaven; but we found it filled with sterns guards and flaming fires'"(Qur'an 72:8);see also (Qur'an, a-Saffā 37:6-10) where these jinn were chased away by a flamingfire of piercing brightness.

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