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Satan is a name for every rebel. The Qur'ānic commentator Abū'Ubaydah Ma'mar ibn al-Muthannā says that every predominant rebelamong the jinn, humans or animals is called ( satan). The root of theterm is either (a) (shat .ana)meaning "to be far away", such as the expression(shat .antu dārahu), meaning "I made myself far away from his house".Satan is called so because he is far from goodness, or he is deepin evilness;
(b) ( shāt .a)meaning "to go and perish", as in the poem of al-A'shā,meaning "It may happen that the hero went and perished with our lances" (namely, killed by mistake).Satanis calledso, because he will go perish for his disobedience to Allah.The term satan (devil, evil one) in the Qur'ān, according to someQur'ānic commentators has four connotations:

1. The soothsayer, the priest , as in the verse,(:) "... but when they go apart to their devils they declare: Lo! We are with you; verily we did but mock." (Q.2:14, Pickthall's translation). It is also said the satans(devils, evil ones) in this verse means the leadersof infidelity.

2. The tyrant among the jinn and human beings, as in the following verse, "Thus have We appointed unto every Prophet an adversary -devils of human kind and jinn..." (Q. 6:112, Pickthall's translation)

3. The snake,as in the verse,"Its crop is as it were the heads of devils..."(Q. 37:65)

4. Umayyah ibn Khalaf, as in the verse,"He verily led me astray from the Reminder after it had reached me. Satan was ever man's deserter in the hour of need."(Q. 25:29)

.It is also said that the satan meant in this verse is Abū Jahl, and the man is'Uqbah ibn Abī Mu'ī t..


Finally completed ..


Hope u understood an learned many things new from this just like me ..

Remember me in ur duas..

Assalamu alikum

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