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If a Muslim encounters a jinni (s) he should read ayathul kursi and will never return.

If a Muslim crossing or passing Bermuda Triangle reads the Quran , Iblis and his army will not be able to harm him.

The Bermuda Triangle is the triangle in a pyramid form, between Florida on the top, Bermuda Island on the right, and Puerto Rico Island on the left. The pilot reporting to be lost in this area stated that tye sky turned grey,and the instrument of their planet malfunctioned. He was actually entering the world of the jinn. The four searching planes were themselves lost and vanished.

Another triangle is Formosa triangle in the form of an upside down pyramid: Taiwan on the left, Gibert island on the right , and Wake island at the bottom. These areas are the favourite places of devils.

The jinn also likes meeting places of cold and hot assistants. This reminds us of Prophet who prohibits people fron sitting in a place where half is with sunshine amd the other half is under the shade, as this place gives power to iblis. We know that meeting the cold anc hot air could create power we call storm.

Marriage and Married Life in the Jinn's World.

The age of maturity among the jinn is between 170-180 years and 200-250 years. Pregnancy period is 15 months containing 7and 8 babies. The nursing period is as long as human age. The babies sleep very long without any noise. Then they go to school and universities and become medical doctors, technicians , journalists , etc. Like human beings.

Mixed marriage between a human being and a jinnu is impossible exept if the jinni make himself visible as human. Pregnancy is impossible as sperm and womb of humans and jinn are different. Therefore, the story saying the Prince Bilqis's mother was a jinni is not true.

Categories of Jinn

The skin of the jinn have different colours: red, white, black, yellow, and any colour known by men, the colours of the spectrum. Some can change their forms from one form to another.

There is a group who are like black dogs with white circles on top of their eyes. They are the most dangerous jinn. According to a hadith from the Prophet, he ordered to kill them.

Black cats also could be jinn transforming their forms. Cats with other colour could also be jinn. Cats in history were adored as well as hated. They wrre associated witg evilness and witches and some were burned alive.

Can the jinni make himself visible?

Some jinn are never able to make themselves visible. Others like Ifrat has a tremendous power to do so . A kind of devil called Marid can also make himselfs with difficulty. When a jinni becomes visible he is vulnerable., can be caught and killed by reciting ayatul kursi.

In order to become visible the body of the jinni has to go through a transforamtion process, and to return to his original form he has to suffer and the process takes long time.

Some jinn are afraid of humans. As man can complain to their leader. When this happens the jinni will be severly punished. Jinn's law , said Ibn Kanjur, stricter than human law.

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