Baby Boy

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A baby is something you carry inside you for 9 months, in your arms for 3 years, and in your heart till the day you die.”

-Mary Mason

It's been 2 months since I came home. Damon has become my closest friend and my rock. He has helped me through my morning sickness, weird cravings, and my hormones.

However, everyone does not like our friendship. It makes me wonder what made them hate Damon so much. To me, no one deserves to be hated. I believe that everyone is going to have a good and a bad side. It's up to you to accept that person no matter what.

Today is my ultrasound appointment and Damon is going to come with me. I am finally going to learn the gender of my baby. Even though I am 6 months pregnant, I had no one to come with me so I kept the gender as a surprise.

I look at the time to see it was 10 a.m and my appointment was at 1 p.m. Sighing, I throw the covers off my body and stretch. Waddling into the bathroom and taking an hour in the shower. Then jumping out and choosing my usual casual yet sophisticated outfit. Satisfied with my appearance, I walk downstairs greeting Elena and Jenna on the way.

"Where is Jeremy?" I ask them.

Elena looks up from her coffee and responds, "He is getting ready for the founders parade. Which I should be doing now. Jenna?"

Jenna gets up to help her but Elena pauses and turns towards me, "You're coming, right?"

Smiling I nod, "Yeah, but I have that appointment first. Damon is going to take me."

She frowns at Damon's name but sighs and walks away. Jenna throws me a wink on her way out of the kitchen. Suddenly, my phone buzzes and I check it to see a text from Damon.

From: Mr. Handsome

Hey beautiful, I am waiting outside. x

I blush and grab my things before heading out, locking the door on my way. He flashes me a smirk as I make my way towards him. "You look beautiful like always."

I flush a bright red before sticking my tongue out at him, making him laugh.

"Yeah right, I look like a fat penguin." I groan, slowly getting into the car with his help. He shuts the door before hopping into the drivers seat. "Thank you."

He looks at me confused, "For what?"

I smile at him, "For being there for me. Helping me. It really means a lot."

He flashes me a genuine smile and nods, "Anything for you princess."


Deep breaths, inhale then exhale..inhale then ex-

"What are you doing?" Asks an amused Damon. I blush and narrow my eyes at him.

"Nothing, I'm just really nervous ok?" I mutter, wiping my sweaty palms on my legs.

He smiles at me and leans in, "Don't be, everything's gonna be ok." He grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. As we sit there, I feel someone's gaze on us making me look around. I catch the eye of a blonde woman about late thirties smiling at us. I smile back at her, a bit confused, before looking away.

"I apologize, I don't mean to make you uncomfortable but you two are the cutest couple I have ever seen." Says the women, whom had been looking at us.

"Oh no, we're n-" As I start to object, Damon cuts me off.

"Why thank you." He says, as I stare at him in shock. She smiles and turns back to her partner. "What?" Damon asks, catching my stare.

"Uh, why did you thank her? We aren't a couple." I explain, making him smirk at me.

"Maybe I want to be.." He whispers making me blush and turn away. Just as I go to respond a nurse calls my name and leads us to a room.

"The doctor will be in soon, make yourselves comfortable." She purrs, obviously checking Damon out.

However, he just ignores her and helps me sit down.I laugh at her deflated face making her glare at me before stomping out of the room.

We sit there for a few seconds in awkward silence but it feels like an hour. Finally, the doctor walks in and smiles at me, "How are you today Mrs. Lockwood?"

I grit my teeth at the name, "I'm excited but also nervous."

"That's understandable. It is very exciting to learn the gender." He comforts before turning to Damon, "You must be the father?"

I hear Damon mutter, "I wish." But ignore it and turn to the doctor.

"Uh, no actually. He's a close friend." I tell the doctor making him nod.

"Ok, let's get started. Just lean back and relax." He says, turning down the lights and squirting the gel onto my abdomen. Damon and I both stare at the screen in anticipation. "Let's see what we got here. It looks like you're having a baby... Boy! Congratulations."

A huge smile spreads across my face as tears fill my eyes. I look at Damon to see him staring at the screen in awe. The doctor hands me a paper towel and leaves with saying he'll see me when it's time for mw to give birth.

I stare at Damon who seems to be frozen, "Damon? Are you alright?" He snaps out of his daze and nods, smiling. I pull down my shirt and stand up with the help of Damon, who then leads me out to the car.

When we pull up to my house, Damon helps me to the front door, "Elsa, I have to tell you something tonight after the parade, ok?"

After I nod he leaves me with a kiss on the cheek.


While I'm getting ready, I stare at my stomach in the mirror and cradle it. My sweet baby boy.

• • •

980 Words

Mrs. Lockwood → damon salvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now