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Damon's POV

I sigh and run my hands through my hair as I sit beside the bed that Elsa laid in. Thoughts race through my mind about the beautiful woman who stole my heart.

Yes, you heard me. Elsa Luna Gilbert has stolen the cold-hearted Damon Salvatore's heart. The first time I laid eyes on her, there was no doubt I fell in love. Who would have thought, a girl who wasn't a doppelganger, is the one who stole my heart.

And no one, will ever take her from me. Her and the baby boy inside her is mine. Not her stupid ex-husbands but mine. I snap out of my thoughts when I hear a groan and see Elsa waking up. Watching as she sits up and looks around in confusion.

Once her eyes land on me she jumps out of the bed and backs away.

"Elsa, calm down..." I tell her, slowly walking towards her.

She stares at me in disbelief, "Calm? I am calm. Why wouldn't I be calm? Oh, maybe because I found out that vampires fucking exist! Or, or that my supposed friend is fucking one! Oh, how about this one... My sister is dating a vampire?! I think that one is the winner."

Sighing, I speed towards her, and capture her in my arms. "Get off!! Help! Help!"

"Elsa, stop! I am not going to hurt you! If I wanted to don't you think I would have done it a long time ago?" I ask, trying to put sense in her.

She shakes her head and puts her arms around her stomach, "Stay away from me! All of you are liars! Every single one of you!" Then she runs off, however I speed in front of her.

"Stop! Elsa, you need to stop and think.." I plead, but my voice falls on deaf ears.

"No! You-you stupid, egotistical jerk! Stay away from me and my baby!" She shouts, trying to run past me but I pull her in my arms....and kiss her.

For a few seconds she slumps against me, kissing back before she pulls away and slaps me across the face.

Her face scrunches up and turns read with anger as she pounds on my chest with her little fists, "Y-you stupid little snake! How dare you take advantage of my feelings?!"

I just stare a her beautiful face in amusement before gently taking her fists into my hands. She tries to yank them away but her strength does not match mine.

"ELSA, I love you.." I whisper, pushing a strand of hair out of her face. She stops and stares at me with shock and disbelief. I start to get nervous as she doesn't reply.

Suddenly she throws herself at me, latching her arms around my neck as she crashes her lips against mine. I freeze in shock, before I close my eyes and move my lips against hers.

However before I can really get into it she pulls away and smacks me again. My lips purse in confusion as she glares at me.

"This doesn't mean I forgive you. In fact I want to punch all of you in the freaking face. But I love you Damon, no matter how much I wanna deny it... I can't. But like I said, I don't forgive you guys yet. You all lost my trust and that is something very hard to gain back. So once you earn my trust back then maybe we can see where things lead us. Until then, don't talk to me or I will punch you in the face and chop off your penis. Got me?" She threatens, making me gulp and nod frantically.

I watch as she walks out the door, taking my heart with her.

'I swear, I'll make this right. I have to.' I think, determined to get back my girl.


Author's Note:

Hi guys! So, I know that I haven't updated in like forever and I am so sorry for that. Anyway, I know that Damon is a little OOC right now but he will continue to be that cocky and arrogant Damon just with a soft side reserved only for Elsa and the baby.

Also, please give me some feedback! I would reallyyy appreciate that. Alright, bye guys!


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720 Words

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