Founder's Parade

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Pulling up, I catch sight of my sister dressed in her 1800's outfit. I gasp and quickly walk towards her.

"Elena! Oh my gosh, you are so gorgeous!" I exclaim, as I speed towards her.

"Slow down! You are 6 months pregnant and wearing heels! Stop running!" She panics, but I just roll my eyes and pull her into a hug.

"Oh shut up, I am perfectly fine aside from the fact I have to wobble like a penguin." I say but then a though comes to mind, "Oooo, wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble baby, wobble (yeah)." I sing as I dance.

Elena slaps my arm, "Stop it. You're embarrassing me." That just makes me smirk and sing again

"Why you gotta be soo rude? Don't you know i'm human too?" I hear laughter come from behind me and I turn to see Stefan and Damon walking towards us. Stefan stares at Elena in shock and awe as Damon walks towards me smirking.

"I really liked that whole singing and dancing show you put on there. I also think this outfit makes you look delicious." He says, pulling me into his arms before whispering, "Although it was very sexy, I don't need any other men staring at what is mine."

His words shock me and I go to pull away but he just tightens his grip on me. I look up at his face to see him glaring at something.

"Damon? Damon? Damon!" I call as he snaps out of his glaring contest to look at me. "What is your problem?"

His eyes soften as tthey look into mine, "I don't have a problem. The way these men are staring at you makes me sick. I mean you're pregnant for goodness sake."

For some reason, let's blame it on my hormones, his words hurt and my eyes water.

I shrug his arms away and snap, "Oh, so I'm not good enough to be looked at now? Why? Is it because I'm fat and look like a freaking penguin!"

"What? No that isn't what I m-" He tries to explain but I am way too mad to listen.

"Just leave my fat ass alone!" I yell, stomping away from him, or rather waddling.


A few hours later it's dark out and I am searching for Elena and Stefan. Soon I catch sight of them except Stefan is on the floor groaning in pain.

I gasp and rush towards them before kneeling beside him, "What happened? Is he okay?"

Elena and Alaric stare at me in shock but as a deputy comes to pick up Stefan, Alaric shoos them away.

Alaric helps Stefan up and tugs him to a set of stairs away from the square.

"Will someone please tell me what is going on?!" I scream, anger and confusion filling me. Stefan looks at me, only now noticing I was there, before looking to Elena.

She runs a hand through her hair, "Look Elsa, I can't explain everything now. I will tell you when we get home, alright?" I sigh but agree.

"It's the Gilbert device, it has to be." Stefan says as Alaric tells us how many more vampires were taken down.

I zoned out of the conversation, not understanding what they were talking about. Suddenly I was pulled out of my thoughts by Elena pulling me towards the old Gilbert building.

"Elena, what is going on?" I exclaim, as she stops in front of Uncle John.

She ignores me as she turns towards our Uncle, "Where is Damon?"

"With the rest of them, where he should be. It's over for Damon..." My Uncle smirks at Elena.

"What? What is he talking about?! You better tell me right fucking now Elena!" I yell, my face red with anger. All three of them stare at me in shock and fear because I don't usually like yelling or cussing.

"Look Elsa, I don't think this is good for the bab..." Stefan trails off once he sees the death glare I am sending him.

"Don't talk to me like I am a child! I want to know what is going on! Is Damon hurt?!" I scream, tears gathering in my eyes.

"Uncle John and the rest of the founding families are planning on killing him and some others in the basement of the Old Gilbert building." Elena explains, trying to soothe me.

I stare at my Uncle John in shock, "What? Are you crazy?! Wait of course you are, you are freaking crazy!"

"Why? Because I'm doing what should have been done a hundred and fifty five years ago? This is the right thing Elsa.." He sneers, making my blood boil.

Then he catches Stefan staring at the building, "Go ahead, you won't make it out. It'll save me the trouble of killing you myself."

Stefan ignores him and turns towards me, "You know the building well, is there another entrance in?"

"The emergency door, it's on the side." I tell him, before he takes off. Elena and I go to follow but are pulled back by our Uncle.

"You guys take one more step and I tell those deputies they missed a vampire." John threatens, but I just shake out of his grip and run after Stefan.

Soon after, Elena follows behind me. I call Stefan's name as I see him run into the burning building. Terrified for the brothers, I go to chase after him but Bonnie catches me.

"Elsa, you can't go in there!" She scolds me as if I were a child.

I stare at her in confusion, "Bonnie, what are you doing?" She ignores me and looks at Elena.

"I'm sorry I lied to you." Bonnie apologizes, my confusion increasing as she closes her eyes and starts chanting in a weird language.

Then I see Stefan dragging a limp Damon out of the door making me rush towards them and take Damon into my arms, "Oh god, Damon? Are you okay?"

"Elsa? What are you doing here? Are you okay?" He asks me, looking over me with scared eyes.

I take his face into my hands, "Damon, calm down. I am fine, alright. The important question is, are you okay?" He smiles and pulls me into his arms as he nods his head.

I sigh in relief and squeeze him tighter before turning to Elena, "Now I want ALL of you to explain to me, what the heck just happened?"

They look at each other and gulp before Damon takes a deep breath and tells me something that changed my life forever.


"...No way, you guys are messing with me right? Because I am pregnant, this must be very funny to you guys, huh?" I spit out, anger filling me.

Damon sighs and tries to hug me but I pull away, "Elsa, I swear to you, we are not lying. Look I'll prove it to you."

Suddenly his face changes, the white in his eyes turn red and veins crawl under his eyes and fangs appear out of his gums. I scoot away in horror and shock, before I stand up and try to ruddle away. (Get it? Run + waddle?)

But before I make it even a few feet away, Damon appears in front of me, as if out of thin air.

I scream in fright and look at him before looking at where he once was, "H-how... B-but? Y-y-you were over ther..."

But I don't get to finish my sentence as the stress and shock cause me to faint and fall into the arms of what once was the man I called my friend.

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1273 Words

Mrs. Lockwood → damon salvatoreΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα