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"That was the thing about tragedy. It was just sitting there, keeping you company, waiting. And you had absolutely no idea.."

-Kate DiCamillo

As a child, all you can ever think about is the happier parts of life. Your innocence leaves you blinded by the true harshness and struggles of life. But then you grow up and you begin to experience the true struggles and harshness of life.

Some tragedies, however, are so much more devastating than others. Some problems cause you to be more worrisome than others. Sometimes life leaves you crippled with grief.. but sometimes it can make you stronger.

. . . .

"I can't do this Elena!" I cry while sobbing into her shirt. My snot and tears were most likely soaking her shirt but she didn't seem to care as she squeezed me tighter.

I feel her tears drop onto my arm as she tries to comfort me, "Shh, everything is gonna be fine.."

"What's wrong Doctor? Why was she bleeding?" I heard my baby sister whisper as I open my eyes. The doctor sighs and looks at us with sad eyes.

"It seems that there was an abruption in Elsa's placenta," He informed us making my heart stop and my breath catch in my throat. I was so close to having a panic attack but I did my best to calm myself.

Inhaling sharply, I blink away the mist gathering in my eyes as I look towards the doctor, "Is my baby ok? What are the possibilities?" Once again he sighs before sitting beside me. I stare at him impatiently as I await for his answer.

"Mrs. Lockwood, I am gonna be completely honest with you. There is a huge possibility of premature birth.. Seeing as you are almost 7 months along, we are on the safer end. While you were asleep, we had been tracking your contractions and decided to give you steroid shots which will stop those contractions preventing any dilation in your cervix." He explains to me with a hesitant look on his face. I've always been good at reading people so I know that he wasn't telling me everything.

"What else is there doctor?" I question, fear biting at me like ice cold water. He stays silent while staring at me as if I was about to go crazy. Irritated and scared, I glare at him, "Tell me!"

Elena lays a hand on my shoulder, trying to calm me down. But I knock it away as I stare down the doctor in front of me. I had every right to act the way I was acting. There was something wrong with my baby for goodness sake! I deserve to know every bit of information- no matter how devastating.

The doctor jumps a little at my raised voice before deciding to give me an answer, "W-well.. There are also possibilities of birth defects. Like down syndrome, autism, and even blindness. However, the possibilities are only slight but I just would like for you to know every possible outcome."

As he finishes, I begin to sob and wail like a newborn baby. I couldn't help it, my heart was breaking and I was absolutely terrified.

. . . .

After screaming and losing my mind, I calmed down slightly. The doctor had ran off a while ago with fear in his eyes. I honestly didn't care, I was in too much pain to even notice. My heart was aching and I felt like a horrible mother.

"I'm scared. I'm so scared... And there's nothing I can do to stop it. Its all my fault! I knew I should've taken better care of myself. Its all my fault.." I sob into my hands as I think about my poor unborn child. He didn't deserve to suffer because of my irresponsible ways.

Suddenly I feel a slap to my head. My sobbing and tears stop immediately and I slowly lift my head. I turn towards the person (Jenna) with a pissed off expression. I glare harder which makes her gulp, "Elsa, stop talking like that. All you can do right now is hope and pray for the best.. So, instead of being negative and sad about it, pray that your baby comes out healthy."

Mrs. Lockwood → damon salvatoreWhere stories live. Discover now