My King....

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Akia Buhari; a former servant that lived in a country in Africa called Angola. Her mother and father was poor souls living in a small hut with six kids and nothing but old bread to feed them.

As the oldest; Akia had to help with money and food. Usually the only way to receive good amount of money for a family that large was to be a lady of the night or a servant for royalty.

Akia was beautiful; her brown smooth skin, light brown eyes, curly brownish red hair that goes down her back, perfect white teeth, nice hour glass body and long legs that had every man in her village stop working so they can stare at her as she walk by. Every man dreams of marrying Akia. A few men even went to her father and offered money and goods that would help the huge family survived.

But Mr. Buhari refused on the offer. Her parents always say love and happiness is the most important thing on earth. Knowing that her daughter being traded to a old man that she does not love nor have happiness with was a horrible idea and it would haunt them forever.

During that time Akia was grateful with her parents beliefs, but sad as she felt like she was a burden. Her parents worked in there field that hardly gets crops. As Akia stayed home and watch over her younger brother and sisters play around and have fun.

She admires them. Seeing that they do not have worry on their faces everyday from the lack of food they receive on every meal. Her siblings was to young to understand what was the issue. Which Akia liked; knowing that they only care about is having their family is more important than money and a good hut.

That's why Akia is a former servant. She shipped out on the same day when a shipment of English men came to Angola for goods and servants. Akia said goodbye to her parents and siblings before getting on the large ship with other young adults her age looking for work and money to support their families.

Akia watched as large ship crash into the rapid waters. From a distance she can see green land and the large castle where her new king lives.

She smiled. Excited for her new home and the benefits her family will have when she sends them her earnings.

"Off the ship!" A large man with one eye yelled. The new servants, including Akia grabbed there belonging and walked off the old smelly ship that they traveled in for four days.

Akia walked off the ship with a huge smile on her face as her bare feet touched the soft England grass. The air was warm and foggy, which made the path through the woods look more mysterious.

"Fellow the path!" The same man yelled.

Everyone did as he said and followed the dirt path that felt weird on their bare feet.

Akia lifted the dress the men on the ship gave her so she can fit in more. Everyone had clothing from their new home, it was not the best but it was decent enough to keep them warm and covered.

Akia walked further down the dirt path to see the castle. Akia gasped at the beautiful site; a large fountain made of stone and crystal like water came to view first. The grass was fair green with rose bushes around the edges. Swans sit in the grass; relaxing and basking the sun.

English servants watched as the new recruits walked into the castle and into the back where the servants living quarters are.

"You will sleep here." A older lady said with her English accent. Her blonde locks was pinned up into a tight bun, her dress stopped at her ankles; showing her leather boots that is made for long distant walks and working in the kitchen.

"I'm Lady Adorn. I will be your chief, which means what ever problem or concerns you have come to me. I'm sure I will help. There are rules in living in the castle." Lady Adorn looked at the large collection of servants. That's when she spotted innocent Akia. Her beauty was clearly noticeable in a large crowd, her innocence showed through her eyes. It easily pulls people in.

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