Chapter Eight: Queen...

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Akia walked into princess Fran's temporary chambers with a huge smile on her face, a prep in her step, glowing skin and a heart full of love. Nothing can change her attitude, not even the gloomy gray shy with rain pouring from the gray fluffy clouds. But seeing princess Fran on the edge of her large bed with tear in her eyes, made Akia frown.

"Princess, are you alright?" Akia asked as she stepped to her sister by marriage.

Fran shook her head and wiped her tears. "The prince."

"What about the prince?" Akia ease down on the bed next to Fran.

Fran sniffed and wiped more of her tears away. "H-he does not love me."

Akia gasped in shock. "How can that be? Prince John seemed to adore you and kiss the ground you stepped on and you love him as well. The way you to laughed and smiled with each other this morning and at the ball. Maybe it was a misunderstanding. What did he do to make you think he does not love you?"

Fran clenched her fist. "He flirted with the whore servants." She said through gritted teeth.

Akia chuckled. "What is your definition of flirt, princess?"

Fran looked at Akia. "Well it's when you make a woman laugh and when you smile at a woman when they walk pass." She said.

Akia shook her head as she chuckled at her sister in law and her jealousy she had on the other irrelevant woman that would not come between her and her prince. "Princess, Prince John was being kind. He greets woman with a smile to be polite." Akia informs the young princess to calm her nerves.

"What about making them laugh and blush?"

"All men makes a women laugh. Even my father makes other women laugh at the markets, but his heart is with my mother." Akia smiled at the thought of her parents love. "You are merely jealous."

Fran scoffed. "Me? Jealous?"

"Yes princess, every women get jealous. Either over money, power and men; we become jealous, it's nature. Just do not push your jealousy to evil and violence." Akia stood on her feet and fixed her dress.

"Of course not, I am no monster."

"Since you are no monster, lets tame your hair so you can act and look like a lady." Akia went to a wooden dresser that held the princess necessary products to make her look even more beautiful. Akia pulled out the pink chair and grabbed the brush with a gold handle, and ruby jewels on the back. Fran sat down in the chair with a smile; knowing that John is still loyal to her.

"Tell me about your family Akia."

Akia slowly brushed down Fran's soft hair. "Well, I have six siblings that is younger than me. My parents are still living. Thank the gods."

Fran frowned. "Right, thank the gods." She mumbled. "Tell me more about your parents, they seem like a lovely couple."

"They are actually. But some people seem them as a odd couple." Akia chuckled.

"What do you mean?"

Akia's smile grew. "You would think my father looks like a troll and my mother looks like a goddess. I am so glad I do not my father's looks."

Fran chuckled. "How did they fall in love?"

"I do not know the clear story, but my mother told me my father was selling herbs in the market when they first spotted each other. My mother was the generals daughter and where I come from is like here, they practical trade us for land or other necessary things. Anyway, they spotted each other and instantly fell in love."

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