Chapter Ten: Heart&Soul....

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Silence was only formed between the two, as they both listened to the large raindrops hits the glass on the window and the burned wood made snapping noises while it broke down into ashes. Akia snuggled against Theo's warm, bare chest and sighed in relief that her husband decided to lay in the same bed with her.

Theo's pink plump lips brushed against his wife's earlobe before speaking. "The sun is rising."

"Yes..." Akia replied to see sunlight peaking into the room. "It is. I do wish we can lay here some more, in each other's arms." She mumbled then looked down at their intertwined fingers. "I wish we can stay here, forever."

His body soon became closer to hers. "And we can. We can start a new life together as a normal married couple."

Akia turned on her back to look at her husband with her mouth gapped open from the sudden lost of words. She wanted to start a new life with Theo, but... "What about your throne? The kingdom? The treaty between Britain and France? Between Spain?"

"The throne will go to George. The kingdom will be fine without me. The treaty will be sealed after Fran marries the prince of France and Spain, well George can take my place by marrying Sophia."

"War!? The kingdom wall fall without you."

Theo chuckled. "The Kingdom hates me. The people never loved my father, they certainly do not love me."

Akia shook her head in disbelief. "Of course they do. I heard wonderful stories about you. The prince who-"

"Who killed the large bear that was a size of four men combined." Theo interrupted then sighed heavily. "That is not love. That was meant for people to fear me."

"Why? It's seems brave."

"That? brave?" Theo said with a scoff. "I killed a fat man who surname was bear, whom robbed the kingdom by convincing my father to raise taxes that was certainly not going to the impairments of the kingdom. All in fear, because my father made me and threatened to give the throne to George. Even though Bear was a burglar, he still was innocent man that deserved trial. My father gathered up every worker and family in the kingdom to show them the head of the fat man and my bloody face. I can still hear their gasp and see their shock faces. He's just a child, they'll say. A eleven year old boy killed a bear. The last bear in the whole kingdom."

There it was: the silence. Once again Akia could not form a word to help her husband from his corrupted past. "My dear..." She started, but soon ended it.

Theo grew worried. He was worried that Akia saw him as a monster that grew up in killing innocent men that deserved the right judgement. Theo warm hand rested on his wife's cheek. "My love, please do not see me as a monster."

"Of course not." Akia said instantly as she looked into Theo's blue eyes. "Bear would of ruined the kingdom with the high raised taxes and stealing money was a awful crime of course. Back in my tribe we did not have courts and judges to tell us if we're innocent or not. If you was caught stealing, your hand would of gotten chopped off where you stand and they would of left you there while you bleed out or until someone came to your aid. I witnessed it, twice." Akia admitted. "They was only children, between seven and ten. They needed food and money because their parents was captured by the Portuguese." Akia's eyes squinted from the thought that she pushed to the back of her head.

"My love." Theo's fingers touched Akia's warm cheek.

Akia shook herself out of her own thoughts and turned to her husband. "I love you, Theo."

"I love you as well, Akia. You will always have my heart." He stated.

"Are you sure?"

"Definitely. No one can have my heart but you, you are my heart and soul; without you I will die. Literally."

Akia smiled. "The same."


"I, Theo Williams take Sophia Cortés as my wife and my queen." Even when everything is a act, Akia looked at the official married King & Queen as everything was real; Theo's words, her words and their first shared kiss. Even when they lay together, Akia would not think it was best for the kingdom; she'll think everything is real and true.

Akia tried her best to keep in the tears and whimpers. She struggled to keep herself from think the worse of Theo holding back on his word and fall in love with his lawful queen. But there was no use, as she her nails drew blood from her palm.

Of course she had no other choice but to look at her king and queen walk down the isle while holding hands and smile like they're happy; which they are not.

Later that night, after the feast; Akia stared up at the ceiling in her chambers and only thought of her family, instead of the content that is happening in her husband chambers. She sighed heavily and turned on her back, as she tried to fall asleep but failed.

Then she thought of the words Theo told her before they left for France to calm her nerves. I love you Akia... You have my heart and soul, without you I will die...

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