Chapter Fourteen: Friend or Foe?...

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Akia wiped her tears away as she listens to the preacher speaks wonderful things about Martha as friends and other workers that she encountered stand around her grave in grief. Mary hugged on Akia for support in balance as she sobbed about losing her only family member that was able to take her in. Now she's a orphan.

"Rest in peace Martha," everyone; including Akia said. One by one individuals left the wonderful woman's grave until there was no one left but Akia and Mary.

"I'm so sorry Mary," Akia killed the silence between them. She rubbed the young lady's back in support.

Mary looked up to Akia with puffy eyes. "Where will I go? I have no one and a empty cottage. I am to young to stay by myself."

Akia knelt down to her level. "You can stay with me in the castle for the meantime, until we find a good guardian."

"The castle?" Mary said in disbelief.

"It's getting cold, let's go." Akia grabbed on to her hand and lead her towards the castle path. "You will love it. The castle is warm, has many people and the princess is kind and beautiful."


Akia nod. "Yes, she would be really glad to meet you."

A small smile went on Mary's face. Akia understood her face expression; the lost of her grandmother was hectic of course. She had no other family member in her life. Mary knew she was a orphan with no one but Akia. She held on Akia's hand tighter.

Meanwhile, Theo stared out his chamber window to see Akia walking towards the castle with a little blonde girl holding on to her hand. Both of them looked sad. It made Theo uneasy to see his wife sad or even upset.

"My love," her voice made Theo cringe. Only Akia called him that, to hear Sophia say that made his stomach turn.

Theo sighed and eventually turn towards the large bed, where Sophia was laying purposely naked. After the first night of their marriage, Theo has not laid with Sophia since. Only Akia; his true. "Yes?" Theo answered.

"Lay with me," she patted the empty spot next to her.

Theo looked out the window once again to see the little girl sitting on the flat and dry platform of the fountain with Akia sitting beside her. From where Theo was sitting, Akia looked like a caring sister.

"Theo?" Sophia called; now getting out of bed with the darn red silk sheets around her petite body. Her hands was placed on Theo's now tensed arm. "Are you alright?" She looked over his shoulder in curiosity to see the lady in waiting she encountered last night. "Why are you looking at her?"

Theo knew she was talking about Akia. It took all his strength to look away from his love and to the woman he hated to see. No matter how beautiful, petite and how wavy her hair was; Theo thought she was an unattractive woman and to lay with her on that night melted his heart as he thought of Akia and the possibilities that she was crying on her room. Alone.

"I'm looking at the little girl, she looked familiar." Theo informed, to basically take Sophia's mind off of Akia; his true love.

Sophia stared down at the two like they was just disgusting peasants. "They are not relevant. Please my love, come to bed with me. It has been so long."

"Sophia, please. Do not take this the wrong way, but my mind is to occupied."

Sophia scoffed and removed her hand from Theo's muscled arm. "When are you not occupied? You are always making excuses. We need a child- a heir that'll have the throne once you get old. I need a little one that I can love and hold. When can I get a child?"

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