Chapter Twenty-Eight: Hope...

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The wooden horse was smooth and light against her fingers. Sitting in a room collecting dust until it's used again, Akia kept silent. She was slowly losing hope of her son's return, especially when she could not step out of the kingdom nor get in touch with Daniel nor Susan to have a look out for the young prince.

Akia felt sick to her stomach; literally. Her stomach was in knots and her head swarmed from the negative thoughts she held.

"Akia," Theo called as he walked inside his son's chambers. His eyes wondered around the area he hardly visits, it pained him to walk further into the space that reminds him of his missing son. "You can't stay in here, it's not healthy."

Akia set the wooden horse on the perfectly made bed. "I'm already sick," she mumbled while looking at Theo over her shoulder. "It's been too long and I'm losing hope."

Theo stood in front of Akia, not able to say anything because he was losing hope himself. Everyone was losing hope of the young prince safe return. "See the measter," Theo said. "He'll give you some medicine. To help."

Akia's face scrunched up. "Medicine won't do anything to help," with a sigh, Akia stood on her feet. "I'm with child, and I'm trying to clear my head. To get healthy for all of us, but I can't do that knowing Chander is still missing."

Theo grabbed both sides of her arms. "We'll find him."

"When? Every time you or anyone else say that, we're no step closer into figuring out where Chander is nor what ship they're on. I'm trying not to lose all my hope, but the more I keep thinking Chander is going to show up any minute, the more I go insane." Tears fell as Akia finally admit her thoughts. "I can't take that anymore, I would have to accept that he's not coming back to us."

Theo mouth gaps open in disbelief. To hear his wife say that broke his heart into a million pieces, a tear even fell from his eyes. He ease down on the bed and ran his fingers through his long locks of hair while taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry," It came out as a whisper from her lips.

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to," Theo stood on his feet and walked out of his son's chambers without giving his wife a second glance.

Now in new clothes, Chander held onto Dylan's fingers as they walk through a large crowd. The sun beats their face and neck, the breeze from the sea was no help to cool them down; the atmosphere of South America.

Chander held on tight to Dylan hands when they walk into a tent that held a desk, a old man and list of humans that was being sold. Dylan steps up to the desk not before picking up Chander. "I'm here to sell this boy." He said.

The old man looked at Dylan than the young prince in his arms before laughing; showing his rotten teeth. "Oh really. What's his abilities? What will he provide? Tears?"

Dylan smirked. "I guess you do not notice that I'm holding the heir of York. King Theo's son."

The man smile immediately fades from Theo's name. "We do not speak his name here."

Dylan shrugged his shoulders. "This is his son."

"Prove it."

Dylan turned Chander to face him and with a huge smile, Dylan asked: "Who is your father?"

As naive and clueless Chander is, the young prince answers loud and proud. "King Theo."

The two men heard him clearly, but little did they know they're not alone. Another man with long black hair, a beard and tan skin; elegant. He stood secretly behind the tent where he was planning to rob the old man out of his gold and information of ships, but he heard something more useful and precious. With a huge grin, the man disappears in the crowd of people.

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