Chapter Nine: Tempting...

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Akia tried to sniff her tears away, but they kept coming as she thought of Sophia and Theo together smiling at the world as she stood in the shadow; watching them. Footsteps echoed over the booming thunder outside; making Akia wiped the cascaded tears that kept coming and coming.

There he was coming around the corner with King Francis by his side; smiling and joking about Portugal and their hideous women. Francis was the first of the two to hear Akia sniffing and the first to see her saddened face. "Oh my." He said before nudging Theo to look up and see his wife cry in the dimmed hall.

The first thought on Theo's mind was that someone touched his beloved. His eyes widened with rage, Theo walked to Akia with fierce strides. "What happened?" His voice boomed like the thunder.

Akia wiped away more tears. "Oh, nothing your grace. I was just thinking about home." She lied. "Nothing to worry about."

Francis stepped to Theo's side and examined the young lady. "It's ashamed to see a beautiful young lady cry. I hope you do not mind if I leave our discussion early so I can walk with Akia."

Theo looked at his friend with a killing look. "Lady Akia is a married woman." The young king informed.

"Oh, my apologies." Francis bowed in respect. "I did not see the ring. But please as a warm hearted king, I am concerned about my fellow guest. What troubles you?"

Akia took a quick glance at Theo before looking down at the stone floor. "My husband."

"Husband?" Theo mumbled.

"What about your husband?" Francis asked with a amusing smirk on his face.

"He- I am afraid he is tempted to lay with another. Which we all know temptation can never be fought, even if you try."

"Well yes." Francis rubbed his chin hair as he went into deep thought. "Temptation is pleasing but trouble as well. Please, continue."

"I do not know if I should continue. I do not want to trouble you. I must leave, Princess Fran needs me."

Theo was tempted to stop her and listen to his wife, but Akia was already in Fran's chambers.

Later that night, Akia looked out her chambers window with her black natural hair down and night gown on as she watched the large drops of rain hitting the glass. The lighted candles dimmed the small area; making Akia's brown skin glow.

Creaking of the wooden door opened, Akia quickly turned to the intruder who's foolish enough to come in her chambers in the middle of the night, but it was no other than her husband standing in front of the closed wooden door.

"You should not be here." Akia stated before walking away from the window and to her temporary bed. "If anyone catches you here- you should leave." She tosses back the fur covers.

"You had concerns with you husband laying with another woman." Theo slowly walked to Akia and stood behind her.

"It does not matter anymore. It was foolish of me to speak of such a thing." Akia shook her head. The warmth of Theo's body behind her was breaking her slowly. "You must leave. It would be inappropriate to catch the king in a maidens chambers. Whom by the way is belonged to another."

"I am only belonged to one." Soon enough his hand was on Akia's shoulder, giving her extra warmth that'll make her break.

"Go to your chambers Theo. We are traveling back to the kingdom at sunrise." She fluffed the pillows; Akia basically did anything to distract her from the handsome man behind her.

"Why do you push me away?"

"I am not pushing you away. I need to sleep." Akia snatched her shoulders out of Theo's hands before getting into bed. She finally looked at her husband; her worried husband. Of course, Akia gave in by scooting to the side, to give Theo some room to lay down beside her. "You have to leave once you feel tired."

"I do not want to." He climbed in beside her and pulled the covers down on their bodies. "I love you, Akia."

Akia smiled and kissed Theo's lips. "I love you as well, my king."

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