I'm changing lives, mother would be so proud

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After 15 minutes of aimlessly walking around school ‘looking’ for the gym I finally found it. And by now I was 25 minutes late so basically everyone was done with running laps and stared at me as I entered. And so was the coach, who was a human hulk by the way.

Seriously, doesn’t this guy have any other hobbies besides exercising?

“Ahh, you must be the new girl,” Hulk said as I reached him.

“I know it’s your first day, but this school is very small it’s not hard to find the gym.” He said sternly.

Oh great, another one of those teachers. I thought as I searched my brain for an excuse, but its’ still morning.

It’s like I only have two brain cells and the one is watching the other one trying to think. So basically I’m pretty much useless up until two PM.

So instead of coming up with some sort of excuse I just offered him candy from the little bowl I got from the office and flashed him a smile.

He crossed his arms over his massive chest sighing while shaking his head. “I guess they did warn me.” He muttered under his breath, but I still heard him clearly.

What the hell does he mean they warned him?

“Well, I guess it doesn’t matter now.” He said louder this time. “Where are your gym clothes? We were just going to play some volley ball.”

“Oh, um, yeah, about that. I don’t do sport or exercising of any kind.” I explained seriously. “The only exercising I do is taking a very long walk to the fridge; sometimes we don’t have anything good so I have to take an even longer walk to my neighbour’s house to steal something. Oh, and I used to go jogging with my sister, but I don’t do that anymore. It cuts in with my sleeping time.” I took another handful sweets and stuffed it in my mouth waiting for Hulk to process it all.

He looked at me with an expression with weirded out and confusion all mixed into one. “But I don’t understand,” he said looking at his clipboard thingy. “It says here you love sports. You even played soccer at your old school.”

I laughed. “Oh, no. They misunderstood. I love sports, but when it’s on TV, not when I actually have to do something. And as for soccer, I only played for a month and most of the time I usually just sat on the bench. I only went to practises and stuff because my grandmother was living with us. That woman can make a nun swear.”

Hulk just stared at me thinking for a few moments then talked. “This is your first day so I’m going to let you off the hook just this once. Tomorrow you will join the other kids in any sport or exercise I give. Now sit.” He said pointing to the bleachers where everyone else sat still looking at me with curious eyes and whispering things to each other.

But I wasn’t going to argue. It looked like Hulk was ready to smash this puny weak girl. So I quickly sat down on the bottom of the bleacher away from everyone and continued eating my sweets in peace as I inwardly laughed as I watched everyone suffer from Hulk’s warm up drills.

Everyone here seems like idiots, well maybe not that Luke guy from earlier and maybe not Kim either. Point is I kinda miss my old friends. Well I guess they were idiots too, but they were my kind of idiots.

Okay, I gotta say, as entertaining as it was watching people get hit in the head with the volley ball, I was pretty happy when the bell rang for the next period. But all that overwhelming happiness disappeared when I saw what next period actually was.


To make it worse I didn’t know where the classroom was. And I wasn’t going to ask someone to show me the way, what if they want to start a conversation with me?

On The Run (Under Severe Editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ