Author's little Message

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                     I just want to say thank you to anyone who has read this story. It's been two years since I've written it, and I'm amazed that ppl still vote and comment. I truly appreciate it, and I'm forever grateful. My life has definitely been up and down these past two years. Especially, when unfortunately some ppl on wattpad plagiarized and copied my book. Honestly, after that I was going to delete it but I changed my mind when I realized, it would be unfair to all the followers and readers who supported my story. Actually, I never thought ppl would read it let alone like it. I know it's not one of those books that has a million reads, but to me that doesn't matter. What's important to me is that my story touches people's hearts and makes them think. So once again I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the wonderful feedback you've given me. God Bless you all:)

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