Chapter 19

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                                                                 Jordana's point of view:

                                              Between a rock and a hard place is where I stand. My sister Renee has caused tragedy beyond measure for my husband and his family. Now, naturally my husband Genji wants to retaliate and punish her evil deeds. Although, how can I allow him to kill my only sister, because no matter what we share the same blood. I know you may be saying to yourself so what she deserves it, but really if it were you, could you kill your own family member? Imagine putting yourself in my shoes, the thought of seeing my sister's lifeless body lying in a pool of blood on a cold hard ground is just too much for my heart to bear. Yet, I think of the pain she caused my husband, the murder of his brother, and the lies about Monty, plus not too mention she seduced a boy to try to kill him. So how can I as his wife stand in his way when he wants to punish her. This is a difficult choice for me either I let my sister live her life without atoning for her sins, or I allow my husband to cover his hands with my family's blood. It's been a week now, so the time I have to make up my mind on what I should do is over. I know that the Ayano family is restless with their thirst for Renee's blood. I must go with my gut feeling and solve this problem once and for all. I just pray that God forgives me for the sin I'm about to commit.

She bows her head respectively " Hello, Mrs. Ayano I'm here."

I smile" Thanks for coming Luna, I know it must've been hard sneaking away from your husband Kazuya."

"Argh, tell me about it, he's been watching me like a hawk lately. She rubs her stomach," I can't wait till the baby gets here so he can stop worrying so much about me, he's driving me nuts."

I nod," that's a good thing, at least you know he cares about you and the baby. Kazuya will make a great father."

" I know Mrs. Ayano, you're right."

I look around the parking lot, it is completely empty. I know asking Kazuya's wife Luna to come here was a huge risk, but she's really the only person I can trust. She knows my situation, and understands the dilemma I'm in. Which is why she's decided to help me with this task, also she's been in the Ayano family longer than I have so she has more connections than I do. I need this to happen discreetly so Genji won't interfere with my plans. As his wife, I don't like lying to him, but in the end I believe he will forgive me.

"Luna, is everything set, do you have what I need?"

She pulls out a thick manila envelope from her coat," Mrs. Ayano, this is everything. Just remember how to use everything, and make sure your careful that nothing shows. This is important or else the plan won't work. My people will be there to tie up any loose ends or if things go bad. You know the code word right?"

"Yes, it's" Life."

She nods" good, now you're sure about this right. I mean that woman is your sister, guilt may come back to haunt you."

I chuckle," the only one who'll be feeling any guilt is Renee. What she did is unforgivable, and I know the Ayano family will never let it slide. Also when Monty's finds out what she did, he won't exactly be happy either. So what I'm about to do to Renee is really inevitable."

" You're right it is, but you don't have much time. I've done my part, and now you have to do yours Mrs. Ayano. She opens the car door," If it's any consolation if I was in your shoes I would do the same thing, so don't feel bad. Gambatte Kudasai, Good Luck Mrs. Ayano."

I bow my head" Thank you Luna, and please stop calling me Mrs. Ayano. It's just Jordana okay?"

She laughs and gets out of the car," okay then, your welcome Mrs. Ay... I mean Jordana."

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