Chapter 16

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                                                             Genji's point of view:   

                                                    Damn, tell me what the fuck am I supposed to say. I can't believe this chick just put me on the spot. I feel like I'm in a interrogation room at the police station.  Women are cunning, I swear you can never know what to expect. I definitely didn't imagine she'd ask me something like this, so soon. We'll not soon, I mean we have been married for nine months now. Therefore, my speculations have been confirmed she likes me, but then again what woman doesn't. I'm Genji Ayano the one and only. A long time ago when I realized I was apart of a Yakuza family dynasty, I made a promise to myself. Since I was born into this harsh life, as a son of the devil I would live by a certain set of rules. The most important one of them is to never let some pretty woman sneak her way into your heart, because then she'll have control. Therefore, that's why the women in my life have always known their place, cook food, clean the house, and keep your mouth shut unless were in bed. Though, currently things have changed, I'm getting soft now when it comes to the rules. Shit, now I'm the one cooking and cleaning. This Jordana girl, she's different, I underestimated her she has a way of..of......breaking me down. I can't think straight when I'm around her, I always say the wrong things. Kusoyarou, shit I shouldn't have said she'd look like a goddess, what was I thinking. Now she has the upperhand, especially now since she made the first move. Hmmm, I'll have to turn the tables on her. Watch this.

I laugh loudly startling her," Wow, that was funny. You liking me, what a joke. I wasn't expecting that Jordana, I never knew you had such a sense of humor."

She looks confused, "What? this isn't a joke I'm serious I do like you, didn't you hear my speech. I just explained to you why I like you. Now answer the question do you like me?"

I shake my head" I can't believe you. It's just impossible that you like me. I forced you to marry me, I was an asshole when we first met. You can't like me, not a good girl like you."

I watch her pace back and forth, taking quick breaths in and out. I smile inwardly, this is working she's getting pissed off.

"Genji, I know that were opposites, and we haven't gotten along in the past. However, these past few months I've begun to like you, and it's really kind of humiliating for me to keep repeating it over and over. It's not easy for someone, a girl like me to admit my feelings, you know. It takes a lot of courage." 

I nod" I'm sorry, I know it must be hard, but I still don't believe that you like me. You must have some hidden agenda, I don't know I think I may need proof that your not lying."

 "Proof?" she shouts.How can I prove that I like you."

I grin and slick back a strand of my hair," Kiss me."

She gasp, and her whole body goes still. Damn, whoever said that silence can sometimes be the loudest sound, was definitely telling the truth. She's quiet so long, that I'm afraid she's turned into a mute.

"What? she says softly. "You want me to kiss you?"

I clear my throat," Uh, um yeah, if you kiss me then that proves you like me. And then I'll answer your question, I'll tell you how I feel."

She chuckles," that's so dumb, it makes no sense. Are you serious? If I kiss you, then you'll tell me if you like me or not?"

I frown" yeah, that's right. I want to know if you really like me before I confess my feelings. I mean what if your just joking with me, and I get my heart broken. I need to know if your words are genuine."

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