Chapter 17

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                                                              Kazuya's point of view:

                                                 I know you may not know who I am, so  allow me to introduce myself. I am Kazuya Ito the sworn brother of Genji Ayano. It saddens me to say that currently my brother and his wife Jordana, are unable to speak for themselves at the moment. Dozens of tubes that are hooked up to machines, run in and out of my brother's body keeping him alive. Jordana leans hunched over his weak figure in bed, with hands clasped and eyes closed praying silently to God. She has not rested or eaten for the past 3 days. The doctors try to her coax to sleep, but she won't. Therefore, the police officers only keep her awake by asking both of us questions about the attempted murder. Every time I hear the words bullet or gun, it makes me want to rip out the heart of the boy who did this. He nearly killed him, my brother, my leader if it wasn't for instinct and the cellphone that Genji accidently left in the car. I would have never turned back around to go to his house, but luckily I did because I was able to save him. The first thought of seeing my brother's bleeding  lifeless body on the ground was that this must be a dream, it can't be real. I've known Genji Ayano, all my life and he'd never been hurt by any enemy before, he was always too clever for that. Furthermore, how can anyone guess that a pizza delivery boy would suddenly pull out a semi-automatic pistol and start shooting. Humph, the little son-of a bitch was bold catching a member of the Yakuza off guard like that. But I assure you as I crept up behind the boy as he stood grinning over Genji's body, I made sure he would never have the guts to mess with the Ayano family again. Which is why now, he's hanging from a rusty meat hook in my basement as we speak. I figure he won't last long down there because the brothers are using the old Japanese ways to make him talk. Hopefully, by this evening he'll give up and tell who ordered the assassination.


I jump up and walk over to Genji's side and look down at his pale unmoving face. Almost every twenty minutes or so, Jordana thinks she see's his finger move or his eyelid twitch. She wants desperately for him to wake up, but these past three days he hasn't moved a muscle.

I sigh" Sister-in-law, you must rest, Genji will wake up soon just..just not now. You remember what the doctors said his body is in shock and he is healing. He'll only regain consciousness when his body is ready to. So for now, you have to be strong and wait."

She shivers and her hands shake" No, I'm not resting until I know he's okay. I don't care what the doctors say, I know he's going to wake up soon and when he does I'll be the first face he sees. I'm his wife I have to remain at his side."

"But, sister-in-law you haven't slept or....."


My body stands alert, and my hand falls down to my gun. Jordana glazed eyes look at the door nonchalantly  as if  her life being in danger isn't a big deal. I creep along the wall silently, and confirm that it's not a nurse or doctor because normally they would the  ring the little bell before they enter.

I breathe in sharply" Who is it?"

"It's me damn it, I'm here to see my sister. It's me Renee."

I roll my eyes and open the door" I thought we agreed that you'd call before you come for another visit."

She gives me an annoyed look" who the hell do you think you are talking to me  like that. Aren't you just a servant? What are you like Genji's number one lap dog. Please, you fake ass Samurai, just get the hell out of my way." She pushes me aside and strolls over to Jordana in her drunken state.

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