Chapter 3

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I cough and stammer, "M-M- Ma-Married, you mean, you and I are going to get married?"

"Did I stutter?"

"No you didn't, but you must be joking, I laugh a little" yeah this must be a joke."

He suddenly leaps forward plunging his body over mine, the quick motion knocks the chair and nearby table over causing my crystal glass flower vase to shatter. I scream loudly. He covers my mouth with his hand, his fingers feel as cold as ice. The knife reappears out of nowhere at my throat the tip of it is so sharp, I start to tremble and pray to God in my thoughts. "Please, don't do this please, I'm sorry, I'm....

He snarls into my face," Does it look I'm joking?"

"No, No it doesn't you're serious."

" You're damn right I am, like I said tomorrow morning we're going to get married. The ultimate Revenge takes sacrifice. The only way I'm going to be allowed anywhere near Monty Pierce is if I'm apart of the family. I'm from the other side of the streets he'd never trust me or welcome me into his business as a member of the Onyx Kings."

As he backs off me and stands near the corner of the room. I put piece by peice of the puzzle together. He's forcing me to marry him so he can get close to Monty Pierce and exact revenge. He thinks my sister and my future-brother-in-law will accept him as one of the family. He's insane, he's been watching me and found out I'm related to Renee. Now that I think about it, these past few months Renee's been mentioned alot in the neighborhood. She's been seen around town with some big time drug lord. People at the church have been saying he's a devil, and he's been showering Renee with gifts and treating her like some kind of celebrity. I ignored the rumors because I was so used to them Renee was always getting into some trouble with one of her boyfriends or ex-husbands. But never have I known her to get caught up in something this big, she's marrying into organized crime, the" Onyx Kings".

" So, I assume for the past five minutes of silence, that you finally understand the situation. This is not an option or a choice, you will marry me Jordana, that I can promise you."

I huff" Oh yeah, what makes you sure, you going to point your knife at me at the altar and force me to say "I do".

He chuckles" No, I'll just have one of my brothers point a gun at your grandmother in the front pew. Now I know she's in a wheelchair and can hardly breathe without a oxygen tank, but my men and I will make sure to have a car pick her up at her house on 74 Washington Blvd. Apt 203."

I gasp" please don't...please you wouldn't do that."

He smirks" Oh believe me yes I would, you don't know me very well sweetheart because killing a little old lady is nothing to me. In fact, I'll kill anyone who doesn't mean shit to me. When it comes to my line of business you'll do anything to make sure things stay afloat."

My heart races Jesus this isn't happening my Grandma is in danger, someone will kill her because of me. I can't let that happen, she's the woman who raised me. She gave me everything she could, she worked hard everyday to put food on the table and clothes on my back. I remember when she got sick and I was in high school I took a job to help pay the bills. But when that wasn't enough I had to dropout of school and work full time, I recall that day when she found out what I'd done she was so devastated and hurt. She never wanted me to suffer like her, she always said a good education was my ticket out of the ghetto. I hurt her back then when I didn't achieve that, but I made a promise to myself that I would never see that disappointed look on her face again. So now this psycho is threatening her life, God what will I do? I can't live with myself if anything ever happened to my grandma because of me. Maybe the police, yeah If I go to police... I could... oh no what am I thinking the police won't do anything the gangs control them. Chinatown police department is one of the most corrupted police departments in the state of Washington, they have about the highest crime rate in the country. Besides I can't gamble with my grandma's life, and it's not like this guy will let me out of his sight.

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