Chapter 19

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They packed and saddled Robin. The journey was silent. Duran directed Robin and sank deep into his thoughts, absorbing the truth of Raven's magic. Raven rode behind and untangled the mess of her own thoughts. Duran had accepted what she'd told him and they were riding to Glostershire. But she still knew getting there was the simple part. She didn't know what exactly she was going to do once she was in the trading city; she only knew her final objective, the destination. They'd left the route of the journey for her to make.

The landscape slowly changed but whenever Duran asked her if she needed to rest she shook her head and told him to continue. The forests and valleys rolled into wide fields and meadows as they drew closer to the coast. Finally Duran insisted on a stop for Robin, to water him and give him a rest, and Raven knew she was pushing all of them. It was impossible to get to Glostershire in a day. It wasn't stopping her from trying though. Duran grabbed her shoulder and spun her around to him. Robin moved away a little to graze.

"Raven, what's going on? You must know you're pushing Robin, not to mention I haven't seen you take more than a gulp of water all day," he said.

"There's no time. I'm in a hurry."

"Why? What's going to happen?"

"This man, Hinchmere, I think he is about to take even more power. I want to stop him before he thinks he is completely protected."

"Ok, we'll rest tonight and set off again at first light. You can't push yourself too hard Raven, you'll need your strength for whatever you're going to do."

Raven thanked him mentally for being understanding enough not to demand a battle plan from her. She wasn't even sure what she would do. They groomed Robin and ate a little before Duran told her to get some sleep. Reluctantly she agreed.


Hinchmere shook hands with the Lord of Glostershire. He held the documents firmly in his grasp, the wax seals still warm. Two other Lord's seals also marked the agreement. He felt like the cat that'd scooped out all the cream. His other negotiations were proceeding well.

An errand boy knocked on the door. Hinchmere's glower was enough to make his knees knock in fear.

"Can't you see I'm in a meeting boy?" Hinchmere sneered.

"Sir I have a message for you,"

"Deliver it later," Hinchmere snarled at him and his eyes widened a second before he darted away. Smart rat, Hinchmere dismissed him and turned back to his much more important companions.

"Shall we move outside? There's a crowd gathering," the Lord of Glostershire offered. The other gentlemen nodded and proceeded through a labyrinth of corridors. They emerged from the back of the Glostershire's chambers onto a hastily constructed platform. A pedestal stood in the centre of the platform and three plush chairs were assembled behind it. The men each took a seat and an official tottered up to the podium to begin. The crowd slowly settled like a wave cresting just before it reaches the shore. When the murmuring and voices had mostly died down the official began. The crowd listened.


Duran cursed himself. Why had he agreed to this plan? Raven had asked him to create a distraction in town to call away any officers that would be at the docks. He worried about what Raven was going to do. She had no weapons, no power, no hold over such a powerful man like Hinchmere. Even her magic couldn't possibly stand against him. He clucked his tongue at Robin and looped the reins over the horse's neck.

"I guess you'll find your way back boy. Go!" Duran slapped a hand on Robin's rump and he took off cantering down the narrow streets. Duran waited a moment before he started running.

"Hey! Stop that horse! Look out!" He yelled as Robin careened into a market stall. People yelled and flung themselves out of the path of the runaway horse. The commotion took hold in seconds. Robin played his part perfectly, galloping along the street in the opposite direction from the docks. Praying that Raven knew what she was doing Duran gave chase, and ran away from her.


The constable had to ask the boy to repeat himself three times.

"There's a what?"

"A horse in the market! Come quick Sir! It's made a mess of everything, no one can catch it!" The boy stoped to draw breath and rested his hands on his knees, panting. He'd had run across the down to find a constable.

The constable called a group of men over and together they followed the boy back to the market to catch a bolting horse. Some of the men grumbled over missing what the big commotion was and two others were busy supporting an officer who'd taken his civic duty of confiscating unlicensed alcohol a little too seriously. He burped and babbled happily not caring much about anything and his breath reeked of brandy. The band of men passed a small girl in a heavy black cloak but didn't pay her much notice. She slipped between them and disappeared into the crowd.


Her name was RavenWhere stories live. Discover now