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May 1, 2012 according to The Daily Prophet

After the war, things were not the same for Hermione Granger. Ron had left her for Lavender Brown shortly after the final battle, claiming that their kiss during the battle was just an "in-the-moment" thing and would never happen again. To Hermione's surprise, Lavender had survived Fenrir Greyback's attack and had become a lycan. Despite this, Ron stood by her side and supported her through her transformations and mood swings. Although Hermione admired Ron's loyalty and dedication to Lavender, she couldn't help but feel hurt by his abandonment. It was a bitter pill to swallow, especially after all they had been through together.

Hermione Granger had observed Harry and Ginny's blissful relationship flourish over the past 14 years

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Hermione Granger had observed Harry and Ginny's blissful relationship flourish over the past 14 years. Hermione couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy every time she saw Harry and Ginny together. They had been together for so long now, and seemed genuinely happy. But it also reminded her of what she didn't have - a partner to share her life with. Despite this, she was happy for her friends and tried to push her feelings aside. However, it was always a bit awkward whenever Ginny joined them at the Burrow for the holidays. Hermione couldn't help but feel like a third wheel, especially with Ron and Lavender's excessive displays of affection. It was a constant reminder of her own failed relationship with Ron. However, whenever Hermione visited the Burrow for the holidays, the loss of Fred had also left a deep impact on George, who had not been the same since the war. Hermione had witnessed Fred's death firsthand and the memory still haunted her.

That blasted scar on her left forearm was still as noticeable as ever. It pained her terribly whenever she woke up from nightmares that relived the horrors of her torture. As for George, the depression he suffered from was clinging onto him like a leech, but she had noticed that he was slowly starting to get back to his usual self. Despite this, she knew deep down that none of them could ever be truly the same after everything they had experienced during the war.

As she perused the news on her laptop, Hermione's attention was caught by an article detailing the new eco-friendly energy source that STARK Tower was now running on, thanks to the efforts of the Man in Iron and his assistant, Pepper Potts. Suddenly, the sound of apparition cut through the air, followed by a knock on her door.

Quickly, she threw on a black silk robe over her sleepwear, which was more revealing than she'd normally dress outside of her flat. But she didn't care, as she lived alone. When she opened the door, she was surprised to find Draco Malfoy standing there, looking as handsome as ever. While they had reconciled after the war and become close friends, the truth was that they had also briefly dated, and he had taken her virginity. But that was all in the past, and they had moved past it.

Hermione stood frozen in shock before a disheveled Draco Malfoy, looking like he had just woken up from a deep sleep. Despite his messy appearance, he still managed to look incredibly handsome, with his sharp jawline and piercing grey eyes. His normally slicked-back blonde hair was tousled and falling in his face, giving him a carefree and youthful look that Hermione had never seen before. Hermione couldn't help but take in the state of Draco's body as she opened the door for him. His usually pristine and put-together appearance was disheveled, and his shirt was wrinkled and untucked. His eyes were bloodshot and rimmed with dark circles, giving him a haunted and panicked appearance. She could see the tension in his muscles and the way he clenched his jaw, as if he was still in the throes of a nightmare. Despite his disarray, there was still something undeniably alluring about him, and Hermione felt a familiar flutter in her stomach. Despite their past, Hermione couldn't help but feel a pang of attraction towards him.

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