T h r e e

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May 2, 2012 - Late Afternoon

"How are you feeling, Hermione?" Harry said just as Steve and Tony walked into the sick bay they had moved her to after her fall. 

Hermione groaned and rubbed at her temples, she couldn't get his face out of her head. She felt like she should know who he is but her mind just couldn't place it. And she couldn't get his voice out of her head, it excited her and made her happy in a strange manner. Hermione finally responded, "Yes, Harry I think I am alright. Is that the man declaring intergalactic war on us?"

Tony laughed a bit and said, "You make him sound more powerful, and smarter, then he really is. But yes, that's Loki."

Hermione's head pounded a bit more when she heard his name. Loki. Why couldn't she remember who he was! Thor came in and rushed to Hermione's side, putting a warm, comforting hand behind her head, "Lady Hermione, how are you faring?"

"I am physically okay, I think. My head keeps pounding every time I think about Loki..." Hermione winced as Tony laughed again and said, "He does that to all of us."

Thor gave Tony a glare and Tony backed off, Thor stroked the back of her head gently as he said, "I think he is just messing with your mind. You used to tell me about Occlumency, where you can keep other people from entering your mind. Have Harry help you out with that so he can't mess with your head."

Hermione shook her head and said, "No, Thor, its like...my head is trying to get me to remember something about him...But I just can't put my finger on it...It is driving me crazy and I can't get his face or his voice out of my head..."

Steve finally spoke up, "Maybe we could have you talk to him yourself? Find out what he is doing. Since he seems to know you, maybe he would be less reluctant to tell you about his plan." Steve suggested as he crossed his arm in front of his chest.

Hermione shook her head almost violently before she winced, regretting her head move. "No! Not in a million years!" Hermione said firmly, stubbornly. When she opened her eyes and looked up at Thor he was giving her a stern look.


"I can't believe you talked me into this." Hermione said, glaring at her reflection in the full length mirror, zipping up the top of the SHIELD uniform, being forced to tie her long hair up into a bun.

"Lady Hermione, you may not remember, but you two were very close. You have the most likely chance of getting anything out of him." Thor explained, turning her to face him.

"Anytime he is mentioned, my head throbs a little bit now. I can't promise anything, but I will try Thor. Is there anything I should know before going in there?" Hermione asked him softly, looking visibly nervous about talking to Loki.

"His weakness has always been you. You may not remember him, but it is clear he still remembers you. He will try to use his silver tongue. Be careful." Thor responded, hugging her tightly before he left the room.

"Alright, first things first. When you interrogate someone, especially someone like Loki. They like to have control over a situation, start off by appearing to be in control. Because Loki will try to tear you down, take control from you. When he feels he is in control of the situation, normally that is when plans come out. Because he feels since he is in control, he has nothing to lose from you finding out that information." Agent Romanov explained before continuing.

"Don't let him actually scare or intimidate you. No matter how violent he may get in that cage. That cage was meant for a creature a hell of alot stronger then Loki. Alright, that is all you should need since I will go in personally to get him to to confess to where the Tesseract is. Good luck." Natasha walked up, hugging, and then patting Hermione on the back before turning and leading her out. She pointed to where the door in the wall was that led to Loki's cage.

Hermione took a deep breath, going through the interrogation plan in her head. She let out her breath slowly, before she walked with purpose towards the door that led to his cage. Hermione entered the code, the door slid to the side, open revealing the walkway towards the large cell. It was circular and had windows all around it but had steel reinforcements all around it.

In the center of the cell, sat the War Criminal. His back facing her, his head hung low as he sat in the uncomfortable looking white wooden chair, wearing a strange armour looking clothing. His hair reminded her of a cartoon witch's in the back. Hermione took a deep breath again before she continued walking up to the glass of the prison. My footsteps were completely silent and it seemed like he hadn't missed my approach.

"Nice try, darling. I knew it was you the moment you stepped inside." Loki finally spoke, his voice low and the accent flowed through the air like a dark symphony.

Hermione punched in the code to open the door to his cell, she quickly stepped inside it, knowing this was stupid, before she stepped inside, taking the remote button with her, holding it firmly in her hand. Hermione closed it behind her.

She was locked in the cell, with the war criminal, who killed 80 people in two days.

Hermione remained calm outwardly, internally she was freaking out. Loki chuckled, he stood up, turning to face her. When she saw his face, her head throbbed a bit more powerfully now but she fought against it. Loki smirked slightly and said, ""Why are you here, darling?"

"I am NOT your darling! And what's it to you why I am here? You don't even know me." She stated, making sure her voice demonstrated how obvious her statement was. She was mocking him, and she didn't know why but it seemed to amuse him. He even began to laugh a bit. She tried to keep a straight face but the embarrassment rose to her cheeks and she mentally cursed herself.

Loki stood and walked up to her, circling her body like she was prey and he was a hungry predator. His strange almost glowing blue eyes looked her up and down, SHIELD had given her one of the skin tight uniforms for the female spies there. She felt very exposed and almost nervous underneath his cool, predatory gaze, which were feelings she was not familiar with. Not even with Severus Snape. He then leaned in after stopping behind her body, his cool lips brushing against the shell of her ear along with his breath, "You may not be mine now, but you most certainly will be, my darling firebird...And I do most certainly know you..."

Hermione rolled her eyes at his delusional words, she then responded, just to piss him off.

"You. Are. Delusional."

Loki paused, a low growl rumbling deep in his chest before escaping his throat, through slightly clenched teeth. There was a woosh of air, and his large hand pushed me by my throat into the cell window/wall. A loud thud rang through the air with the force of my body being pushed against the wall. He whispered in a deathly growl a couple centimeters from her ear.

"What was that again?"

Hermione's breathing had hitched, he was incredibly attractive to her. From his other worldly amazing scent, to his piercing eyes that seemed like they weren't right color, to his dark midnight black hair. Hermione didn't look scared. No. She looked nervous...almost anxious. Loki looked into her eyes now, feeling the attraction spark and sizzle in the air like static electricity between them. Loki knew he shouldn't be doing this, and the tesseract's affect on him was beginning to weaken.

Love is the most powerful force in the world. True love can conquer anything...

Loki knew he was in love with her, but to protect her, he had to push her away. Besides, what would her comrades think if they walked in to this. Loki suppressed another frustrated growl before he reluctantly pushed off of her, turning to face away from her. "I am not telling you my plan..."

The Asgardian Prince and The Gryffindor Princess || Loki x Hermione Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now