S e v e n t e e n

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"Make a move Reindeer Games and you'll be blasted across this field before you can even smirk."

Hermione gently laid Steve down on the ground again before sprinting over to stand in front of Loki, her arms stretched out. Loki's eyes widened a bit when he saw her run to protect him so quickly, the act warmed his cold heart before he refocused on the Man in Iron. The weapons stayed loaded and locked on Loki. "Tony, please just wait and listen to us!"

"Listen? Kid, he just killed Cap! He's gotta answer for this!" Tony's voice cracked a bit when he said 'Cap'. He directed more power into his hands, and Loki got ready to defend himself behind her.

Thor finally got up, seeing the confrontation and seeing his brother alive~standing behind Hermione. Thor made his way over, standing in front of Hermione and Loki with his arms spread. "Stark, my friend, Loki is not responsible for any of this."

Loki was stunned that his brother was willing to defend him to one of his friends. In the past, Thor had always laughed with his friends that ridiculed him. When insults or accusations were spat at him, Thor never denied or defended him. Loki's body shimmered for but a second, the green noticeable to no one else but his firebird if she had been facing him. He suddenly made a dead sprint for Hermione, but a double of his made a leap around Thor towards Tony. Distracting him easily, Tony blasted the illusion and his magic shimmered but continued moving towards him.

As soon as his arms wrapped around her, he looked up to the sky and hoped Heimdallr heard him. And he hoped that Odin had forgiven him. He closed his eyes and called out to the skies, "Heimdallr! Bring us back!" He looked down into Hermione's beautiful brown eyes, and said a little quieter, "Please..."

A few seconds passed. Iron Man figuring out that it was an illusion he was fighting, Hermione giving Loki a crooked smile, and the sky thundering while a rainbow blast hit the ground powerfully. Swallowing up Hermione and Loki before disappearing back into the sky above.

Iron Man's helmet retracted past his face, revealing a desperate and rage-filled look in his eyes. "Where did he go?... Thor! You have to answer for this too! Cap is~Steve is dead!" He stopped in front of Thor, shoving him back by the shoulders hard. Thor barely stumbled before holding his hand up.

"Tony, please! Loki didn't do this, and you know it~"

Iron Man flew over to Steve Roger's dead body and picked him up in his arms. He threw a harsh glare at Thor before his helmet came back on and he flew away, West towards New York.


As soon as Loki and Hermione had landed in the Bifrost dome they had been whisked to the palace immediately by a group of guards. They arrived in the throne room, that was slowly but surely being repaired by various Asgardian workers. The throne having been the first thing to be repaired had Odin sat atop it, a gleam in his eyes as he saw Loki and Hermione enter. His golden staff in his right hand, he waited for them to reach his throne. Once they did, Hermione bowed her head and knelt before him in respect, despite her problems with the man she was thankful for him letting them come home after essentially committing treason.

"Please, Lady Hermione, stand. I should be giving you the proper gratitude. For not only saving the Nine Realms with my sons, but for reminding me of the man I was. Your honest words to me in the infirmary and here in this throne room with Thor, made me realize the path I had strayed upon." The Allfather's voice was gentle and reminded Loki of when he was a young boy.

Hermione stood and gave Odin a small smile, her eyes glinting with surprise. "No, thank you, Allfather, for apologizing to me. Of all the people in the Nine Realms, I never expected you to humble yourself like you did. Especially when I was acting out in anger towards you."

The Asgardian Prince and The Gryffindor Princess || Loki x Hermione Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now