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"Loki?..." Hermione called out as her wand tip illuminated the dirt path in front of her. Cold wind blew her wild, unruly chestnut brown hair all around. It nipped her cheeks and nose, blood rising and reddening her skin. Her chocolate eyes squinted into the darkness, knowing she was nearing the Black Lake. She pulled the red winter cloak tighter around her small form, the fur on the inside of the cloak keeping her warm. Her vine carved wand outstretched in front of her as she came upon the black, still waters.

The Black Lake normally was a mysterious, misty sight to behold. But on this night it was as clear as the skies and moon over head. The surrounding trees still retained their mystery however, their darkness different from the rest of the night. A warning to wanderers and trespassers. The raven haired prince wearing Midgardian clothing stood out from his surroundings. She tilted her head to the side, curiosity piquing her features as she put away her wand. The moon giving off enough light here in the open for her to see.

Loki sat at the edge of the lake, his head bowed, and sat upon his knees. His black hair a little messy, like he had been pulling at it. He wore a dark green tunic and black trousers, with black leather boots. Simple clothing on a complicated man. She made her way up to his side, wrapping an arm around him. The coldness of his body seeped through his thin shirt and through her cloak. A shiver ran through her.

"By Merlin's beard, Loki, you are freezing cold. What are you doing out here in such little clothing?" She went to shrug off her cloak to give to him but he placed a hand on hers, stopping her. Her eyes widened when he stayed silent, having expected some smart remark from him. The wind stopped but the air seemed to grow colder. Mumbling was finally heard from him, piercing through the chilled night air.

"Nothing more than a stolen relic..." As these words fell from his lips, a tear ran down his cheek and her breath was now seen as everything grew colder around them. Tiny, delicate white patterns began to fall around them, wetting her nose and hair. When the white flakes hit his hair she couldn't help but be taken aback by his beauty, even in his melancholy state. He was like a statue right now, the only sign of life was the trail from the tear he had shed left behind on his cheek. She reached and cupped his beautiful face, using her thumb to wipe the tear and tear trail away.

"My darling...oh my darling firebird..." His voice cracked, his green eyes getting misty as he leaned into her hand and embrace. His hand reached up and held the hand that held his face. "You...you shouldn't be with me...I'm~I'm a monster..."

Her brow furrowed and she looked at him worriedly. "What~What are you talking about, love?"

"My father....err~Odin, lied to me...all my life..." He closed his eyes tightly, unable to look at his princess. He couldn't bare to see the judgement that would fester as he continued. More snowflakes fell and a blue tone began to crawl its way up his fingers. The lake began to freeze over, closest to Loki became frozen solid and further away from him only the surface of the water looked frozen. She noticed the blue crawling up his hand, from the one on her hand on his face.

His skin became even colder but didn't harm her at all, but she worriedly took his hands. Examining them as the haunting but beautiful winter blue tone creeped across his pale skin. "Loki...you are getting frost bite~" She began mumbling warmth and healing spells under her breath, to no affect. He chuckled bitterly, watching his beautiful firebird attempt to help him.

"This is what I am...what I have always been...A deadly monster...My father stole me from Jotunheim...I was left abandoned...I was meant to die cast onto a frozen rock..." He told her slowly, his eyes still closed as the blue slowly began to consume his whole body. More snow fell and landed in her hair, on her cloak, in his hair and on his nose. She still couldn't help but admire him, even as the cold air pierced through her and made her teeth begin to click.

The Asgardian Prince and The Gryffindor Princess || Loki x Hermione Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now