Chapter 16

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Hello guys. We've been getting comments saying that the chapters should be longer. But, as we have told earlier, we are in exams. Also, we update everyday. So, you guys decide. Would you like these type of chapters and we update everyday, or would you like long chapters every Tuesday? Leave a response on the comments below.

~Gabby and Laura  x


*Kylie's POV*

My lips parted slightly. He is so close that I could feel his warm breath.

Austin took me by surprise when he kissed the tip of my nose. I scrunched it up and frowned.

"Whats wrong?" He asked full of concern.

"Oh... Nothing..." I replied nonchalantly.  

I really wanted him to kiss me. He makes me feel so... Special...

Taylor used to crack up lots of jokes which made me laugh and he complimented me by saying that I was pretty and cute, but Austin tells me I'm beautiful. I could see how much he cares. Taylor always left me alone in parties and stuff, but I'm sure Austin would never do that. He treats me like if i'm a princess... And I'm not looking for a prince, I'm looking for a guy that would call me his princess... And deep inside, I know that that guy is Austin.

I was deep into thought when suddenly, a droplet of water splattered on my cheek. Then, another one in my forehead, another in my nose. And quickly, many drops began to fall from the cloudy sky.

"Hmm... Something tells me it's raining" Austin said.

I widened my eyes sarcastically, "No shit!". 

After we picked everything up, I began to run to his car when I felt his arm wrap around my waist.

"Let's just play a little." He told me as he got me back again to my feet. I quickly smiled at him and started to run off through the place. He soon started chasing me and I could feel him catching up.

Austin then swiped me off the ground and carried me bridal style. We were soaking wet.

"Gotcha." He said, smirking. He now started walking to his car.

We quickly got in his car. I was shivering and I could see he was also.

"Here, take my jacket." He told me, handing it to me.

"No, Austin, you're very cold. Use it for yourself." I replied.

"No, I insist." He said, putting the jacket over my shoulders.

We began to talk a lot about our families.

"My dad studied business and he is vice president where he works at" I stated proudly.

"Nice" he said.

"What about your father?" I asked.

He shifted in his seat and gripped the wheel tightly.

"Umm... He passed away." he whispered.

"What?! When?" My eyes grew wide.

"When I was sixteen months old to be exact." he said.

"Oh... I- I'm so sorry, Austin..." I said gently while I hugged his arm.

He smiled, "It's all good".

He then started driving and seemed to be really concentrated, because the ride was very silent. I feel very bad about Austin's loss and he was so young, it must have been difficult for him growing up without a father there.


We arrived at my house and he parked his car on the parallel street; like always.

I was surprised when I saw him unbuckle his seatbelt.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"What does it look like I'm doing? Getting you to your house." He replied with a smirk.

I sighed in defeat and let him open the passenger door. We carefully crossed the street and made our way towards my front door.

"I had so much fun, Austin. Thanks a lot!" I said and then kissed him gently on his right cheek.

He frowned and looked down.

"I can't." he blurted.

"What?" I asked confused.

"I can't do this anymore." He said and looked up. He took my face between his warm palms and made his lips meet mine. My eyes fluttered at the feeling. I've never felt like this with a kiss... Not even with Taylor.

He pulled away shyly looking down.


"I know, Kylie. You might say that-"

"No, Austin-"

But he continued anyways. "You might say that it's too soon and I know that, but I really, really like you, okay? And I've never felt this way for a girl and-"

"AUSTIN!" I yelled, getting him to shut up for a moment. "I feel the same way too." I said, my face growing warm.

A huge grin appeared on his face and he quickly pressed his lips to mine again. And I sure kissed back after a few seconds. This moment is just... Perfect.

Perfection? [Austin Mahone Fan Fiction]Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora