chapter 5

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Elena removes the dagger from Elijah's body and waits for him to wake up. Once Elijah woke up, they both left the Salvatore house.

Meanwhile Stefan wakes up in his bedroom and notices Elena's absence, he gets worried and starts to look out for her. He finds Andie downstairs holding a coffee mug.

He greets Andie "hey"

Andie greets back "hey"

"Hey have you seen Elena?" He asks.

"Uh. No" she replies.

Damon walks over to Andie "Hi, sweetie. Oh, my coffee." Then he kisses her.

"Good morning" she says breaking the kiss.

"Mm. Good morning" he says.

Serena enters the house "Good morning people."

"Whoa. Who is she?" Serena points out to Andie who was standing very close to Damon.

"Andie meet Rena and Rena she is Andie star, journalist" Damon introduces.

"Oh and also his girlfriend." Andie adds.

"Uh. Oh. "Serena checks her out.

"Hey have you guys seen Elena?" Stefan asks.

"I don't know Stefan. It's your girlfriend. Mine is right here" Damon says looking at Andie.

"Oh and how's the shoulder? Got a time for a bite? I am so hungry" Damon speaks to Andie.

"Oh, it's really messy. Can you just use a blood bag for today?" Andie asks him.

Stefan and Serena look at them.

Serena holds herself back from going all out on Damon.

"Hey, it's me. Where are you? Call me" Stefan leaves a message on Elena's phone.

Damon and Andie start kissing.

"What are you doing? She's not a windup toy" Stefan interferes before Serena could speak.

Andie looks at him angrily "It's really none of your business, is it, Stefan?"

"Yeah. What she said" Damon speaks.

"I have to go to work" andie kisses him good bye

"Bye" he says. Andie leaves.

"Why are you looking so grumpy, Rena?" Damon asks looking at Serena.

"YOU. COMPELLED. HER" she manages to speak from her anger.

"Yeah, it's fun. " Damon says making himself a drink.

"It's not. You are using her. You are keeping her with you against her will." She yells at him.

"That's what compulsion is all about. "He speaks in casual tone.

Her vein under her eyes starts to pops out and fangs elongates. Before she lurches out at Damon, Stefan calls out from the basement.


They both go to basement only to find a basement minus Elijah.

"No, she didn't." Damon says

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