Chapter 42

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A/N: Thank you sooooo much peeps, my story crossed 50k views ... can't believe it. So thank you so much for reading and voting on my story (No! this is not the end of the story.) and also to all the silent readers :* 


I am hiding under my bed ... you will know why , keep reading!

In the woods

Klaus took Serena in his arms and ran towards the house. Klaus quickly placed Serena on the bed and stroked her hair.

"Don't waste the time, Niklaus. Go and find Xavier before he vanishes in thin air." Elijah said sitting on the bed. "I will take care of her. You go and bring your child back, brother."

Niklaus let out a long breath and nodded as tears flowed down his cheeks. His heart torn to see the state in which his beloved wife is and also the fact that his child got kidnapped.He felt angry and guilt as he failed being a husband and a protective father.

He placed a kiss on Serena's cheeks promising to bring back their child as he gently squeezed his hand. A frown married his face, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What is it?" Elijah asked observing a sudden change in Niklaus.

"She... She is cold." Niklaus stated.

"What ?" Elijah asked as he touched Serena's hand.

Niklaus put his head over Serena's chest to hear her heart beat.

"I can't hear it... her heart beat. Do you?" Niklaus asked in worry.

"I.."Elijah paused and concentrated more to listen to her heart beat but welcomed an utter silence. He shook his head.

Niklaus's veins under his eyes started to out in anger. He shook Serena's body "Serena, love wake up" he called her. Then he called her again and again and again but got no response.

He gave a light pressure to her chest once... twice... thrice. She didn't move.

"Why is she getting colder and colder?" Niklaus cried.

Elijah was too afraid to answer him.

Suddenly they heard footsteps coming towards the door, footsteps belonged to Damon, Bonnie and Elena.

Damon looked at his best friend, an unknown emotion ran through his body looking at her pathetic condition. He felt angry, sad, disappointed more than that he felt guilty to not been able to protect his friend. He quickly went to Serena and touched her cheeks.

"Damon, she is your best friend, right? Ask her to wake up, please ask her to wake up." Niklaus cried.

Tears ran down Damon's eyes when he felt his best friend cold, no movement. He didn't want to give up and he was not ready to lose his friend.

"May be she is in transition? You know her human side is .. I mean not there anymore. She is turning into vampire fully? She has vampire blood in her system." He said more like to convince himself.

"Yes correct. She is turning into vampire that's how it works right? That's how it!" Niklaus cried burying his face near the crook of Serena's neck.

Bonnie stepped forward, she grabbed Serena's feet by her hands and closed her eyes. A thick blanket of silence wrapped the room. Bonnie released her hands, her eyes widened and as she took two steps back as she leaned over Elena for support.

"She is..." Bonnie cried "Serena is dead."

"May be she is transition like Damon said? How sure are you?" Elena defended not believing her best friend, Bonnie's words.

"No, she is dead . I can't feel it.... her soul... we witches have connection to nature, good and bad. I can't feel her vampire side either. It's void ... an empty space." She spoke hoping the only time someone to prove her wrong. To prove the opposite of what she said but she knew the Vampire aside from her friend Caroline she trusted the most is gone.

Nobody moved, seconds turned out to be minutes, then to hours no one spoke a word or moved from their position.

Suddenly the room filled with a loud growl, which shook the room. The petrifying growl erupted from Niklaus as he stood as a site of terror with his dangerously turned yellow eyes , veins popping out under his eyes, his fangs flaring out making him a true HYBRID.

"Nobody moves my wife from here, unless I am back with that bastard's head and my child." He threatened everyone.

"I will come with you brother." Elijah joined him.

"I want to rip his heart out." Damon growled showing his true vampire form.

"I will come with you guys, maybe I can help finding Xavier?" Bonnie offered.

"Already taken care of." Elijah said. "You try to improve the situation here" he said.

Three of them left the room leaving Elena, Bonnie and .... A lifeless Serena in the room.



she is dead to answer your question... !

please keep reading as the next will be the showdown between 3 vs 1.

Sorry for any mistakes. 

keep reading :)

keep voting ;)

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