Chapter 33

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Serena POV

"Are we there yet?" I asked Elijah for the fifth time.

"hmmm.." he responded for the fifth time. I don't know where he is taking me; he has been driving for three hours straight.

It's been three weeks since I escaped from Xavier. There was no sign of him which was good, but since then I am never left alone. I have Damon, Stefan or any one Mikaelson when I step out of the house. It was kind of pissing me off, I mean I need my space which I was currently lacking. I do appreciate that these are taking care of me, I don't know how to repay this.

Oh! Did I tell you I got periods last week? Yes, I do. I guess a part of human traits. Also my hand started to heal in human pace of course. And Niklaus , I don't know he has been quite all the time hardly talks to anyone but he is always there as my shadow.

A part of me says to move on from my past, since it is not something I can cherish but when people from past are still connected to my present I guess it's not easy.

'My life had a dark side and a bright side. I cherish the bright one because I had you in it. You are my light, Serena my ray of hope I wish to see the world I can't do it because it's dark here. I need you Serena, I need you '

'As crazy as this world is, with the monsters and the lunatics running around, it's still a better place with you in it.'

'Whenever I wanted something, I had it. I always believed in the end result because that's what mattered or so I believed. You proved me wrong, it's how I have something in my life is what matter. I need you, and I will try, this time really hard in a right way to bring you in my life. '

I always find these kinds of messages near my dressing table when I wake up. Needless, to say who the sender is! I don't know why when I am so close to forgive him something pulls me back from doing so.

I was pulled from my thought when I felt tapping on my shoulder.

"What are you thinking?" Elijah asked with a sincere concern.

I shook my head and smiled at him "Nothing" I lied. And he knew that so he didn't bother to push further.

"We are here." He said.

We both got out of the car. I stood in front of a house, a very simple yet beautiful one. It did look old but it was maintained nicely.

"Come with me." he said and rang the bell.

A small girl opened the door and smiled with her milky teeth.

"Who are you?" she asked looking at me. I looked at Elijah for the answer. Before Elijah could reply a voice came from the house.

"Who is it, Rose?"

"I don't know mommy. A pretty lady and a man in suit" she described. We both smiled at her reply.

The door was wide open and we were greeted by a blonde lady in her early thirties I assume.

She looked at me and then at Elijah, her expression softened when she saw him.

"Elijah, what a surprise?" she greeted him and looked at me.

"She is Serena, my ... family." He said unsure to define a relation between us.

"Oh, hello I am Helen Petersen." She said. I froze Petersen? I looked at Elijah, he just smiled at me.

"Lord, where are my manners, please come in" she said pulling my attention as she stepped out of the way. We both entered the house.

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