Chapter 39

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Soon everyone gathered as the dinner time approached, I called only those people whom I genuinely wanted to share my pregnancy news with.

I don't know what future holds for me. I have no clue what's Xavier's plan is and I don't know how ready we are to face him! Given the advantage that he is the most powerful warlock. But I also know that the father of my baby is not any simple vampire or a werewolf, he is both. And also the oldest and powerful one and also my baby has an original vampire uncle Elijah and Original vampire Aunt Rebekah. Most importantly my baby has a mother who is willing to take all the wrath on her for her baby's protection.

Being said that I am not allowing anyone to take away this little moment of happiness where I can express how happy I am to have my baby. Never have I thought that I would become a mother although I always wondered how would it feel to have a baby, your own baby. Its been centuries I have been living and seeing people having family but I was deprived of that happiness never have I thought to experience it on my own. I am in a way thankful to Xavier to give this chance even if I was just a pawn in his master plan.

"Earth to Rena." Damon snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Yeah, you were saying something?" I asked him.

"They have come." He said.

"Oh.. Perfect." I said looking at the clock.

"I will set the table, would you two help me bringing the food over the table when it's done, please?" I asked to Damon and Rebekah.

"You don't have to say please, Rena." Damon said.

"Sure thing, but do you need help in setting the table?" Rebekah asked.

"Oh no... I can handle it. You two just take care of the food." With that I left the kitchen.

I entered the dinning area taking out the plates from the cupboard.

"Let me help you." Elijah offered.

And we started setting the table.

"Where's Niklaus?"I asked him.

"He is out talking to Stefan,Elena and Alaric." He said.

Well I did invite Caroline, Tyler and Bonnie but they were busy.

"Serena" Elijah called his voice had a careful tone.

"Hmm?" I replied looking at him.

"Niklaus told me about the dream you had.." He trailed off waiting for my response.

"Oh." Was all I said.

"Well I insisted him to say what was disturbing him? I-" He said in defense of his brother. But I cut him off.

"Elijah, you are family. I myself was going to tell you about it. I was just waiting for this dinner to finish. I mean we didn't celebrate this little happiness. I didn't want to spoil the mood so."

He smiled at me.

"Trust me Serena this happiness is anything but little." This time I smiled.

"And you don't have to worry we are there to protect the baby and you, Like a family. No one hurts my family and lives." He said.

"Ahh.. The famous words of the Lord Elijah Mikaelson." I said trying to lighten the mood.

We laughed.

"Hey what is the joke? " Niklaus joined along the rest three.

"It's a secret between me and her." Elijah told him winking at me.

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