Chapter 6: Strange Child

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Mabel and I walked to the front of the Shack, which seemed to be the souvenir shop. There was a red-head girl, a guy with a cool green question-mark shirt, and a boy with a navy blue vest and a reddish-orange t-shirt with grey shorts; he also had a white, blue-trimmed hat that had a blue pine tree on it resting on his head. Seeing how similar they were, I assumed the boy was Mabel's brother. He was also wearing sunglasses despite being inside for some reason.

"Hi Wendy, hi Soos, hi Dipper!" Mabel exclaimed as she ran inside.

"Hey Mabel!" The one named Soos waved. "Sup?" Wendy looked up from her magazine.

"Hello sister!" Dipper said with a grin.

'Definitely Mabel's brother,' I thought to myself.

"Guys, I want you to meet (Y/N)! She just got into a tragic accident and will be staying here for a while." I was shocked and was going to ask her why I had to stay with them, but I realized it was best to just accept it.

"Hey, nice to meet you, (Y/N). I'm Wendy," she shook my hand.

"Name's Soos. Always here to help." He tipped his hat.

Dipper just waved at me slowly. It was a bit creepy, but maybe that's just how he is. He was also still grinning, but he could be happy about something. I waved back, being polite. Once I did, he stopped waving and walked away, tripping over his own feet a few times.

What a strange child.

Mabel led me around the shack, introducing me to the property and the objects associated with it. I loved Waddles the most; he was just so cute!

We walked into the living room to see an older man sitting in the chair with a Pitt soda can watching something on the TV. He looked over to us.

"Mabel, what have I told you about bringing customers back here? She's gonna have to pay extra." Bit of a cheapskate, I see.

"Grunkle Stan, this is my friend (Y/N). She was in a tragic accident and needs a place to stay. Can she stay with us? Please please please pleeeeeeeease?"

Stan sighed. "Ok fine, but she's gonna have to work here, too."

"I can do that, sir." I said.

"Alright, you're hired." Just like that? Wow, this guy seems a bit cool for doing that.

"So kid, how much do you want me to pay ya?" He sipped his soda.

"What's your minimum?" I asked.

"Zero," he replied without hesitance.

"...Five bucks an hour?" I asked, nervous that he would refuse.

"Sure, why not?" This guy is actually pretty reasonable.

"You start work tomorrow." He turned his attention back to the television.

"Thank you, sir."

"Call me Stan."

"Alright." Mabel immediately took my hand and dragged me out down the hallway back to the room I woke up in.

"You'll be staying in here. Don't worry though, Dipper and I will be upstairs and Stan will be farther down the hall...wait!" she exclaimed.

She, once again, dragged me back into the souvenir shop to the vending machine. She pressed a few buttons and it opened like a giant panic room door. Blue light creeped out from the hallway leading down. She led me to an elevator that took us farther underground into what looked like a lab. Mechanical lights and gauges were everywhere and a desk was far in the back. There was a man back there sitting at the desk. He stood up and faced us.

"Mabel! What is she doing down here? You know you can't bring outsiders down here!"

"Grunkle Ford, this is (Y/N). She got into a car accident yesterday and will be staying with us for a while."

Ford looked at me skeptically. "You won't tell anyone about this, right?" He waved around the room, notioning to the machinery.

"Nope." I shook my head.

"Well, then welcome, (Y/N)," he said extending his hand. I shook it, and couldn't help but notice something.

"Whoa, you have six fingers?! That's so cool!" I exclaimed.

"Eheh, thanks." He rubbed the back of his neck. "You take strange things pretty well."

"Strange things are good though; it just makes it easier to identify someone because they stand out," I stated.

Ford looked at me surprised. "Y-you really think so?"

"Well yeah. You're just unique." I smiled.

"Thank you, (Y/N)," he smiled back.

"So, what is all this?" I asked, looking around the room.

"You see that machine on the other side of the window?" I looked through to see what looked like a portal.


"That is a weak portal between this and another dimension. I'm looking for a way to fully shut it down."

"And why would you want to do that, Sixer?"

We turned around to see Dipper standing in the doorway still with that grin on his face. He was also still wearing those sunglasses. How is he even able to see with those down here?!

"(Y/N), I suggest you get out of the way," he said.

Dipper's voice sounded familiar the more I listened to it, but where have I heard it from? It was a bit higher-pitched and seemed to echo as he spoke.

"Dipper, what are you doing? Why do you sound like that?" Ford asked.

"Don't recognize me, Fordsy?"

Dipper took off his glasses, revealing a pair of yellow eyes with black slit irises; they looked almost like a cat's eyes.

"Bipper," Mabel stated coldly.

"Haha! Shooting star is actually smarter than the author! Never thought I'd see the day someone would outsmart you, Stanford."

"B-bill?!" Ford exclaimed.

'Bipper' did a bow. "The one and only."

'Bill...that name sounds familiar,' I thought.

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