Chapter 7: Remember Me?

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"What are you-! How did you even get into Dipper's body?!" Mabel exclaimed.

"We made a deal, of course~ But that will have to wait."

'Why the hell does he sound so familiar?!'

"What do you want Bill?" Ford yelled at the possessed child.

"Very simple: a conversation with (Y/N)," he said, smiling.

Everyone became silent, dead-panned and utterly astonished. I gasped in disbelief. 'Why would he want to talk to me?' I thought.

"Well, shall we go somewhere more private, (Y/N)?"

I reluctantly left with Bipper, wanting to avoid a potentially dangerous situation. I looked back at the worried faces of Mabel and Ford, smiling to give them comfort.

"Don't worry; I'll be fine," I assured them. Still though, they looked panicked and afraid; like they were afraid for my life. I mean, what can this kid do to me?

We slowly walked out and up the stairs, mostly because he was tripping and having trouble walking.

"So, if you're not Dipper, then who are you?" I tried asking him, only to receive silence.

"Hey, are you going to-"

"Shut up," he interrupted me.

What did he want to talk about so badly he wasn't going to say anything until we were alone? Fuck, who is this guy?! I know I met him before, but where? Even though his appearance is new to me, I recognize that voice and those eyes from somewhere.

We continued walking until we reached my room. He locked the door and turned around to face me. He still had a smile on his face; it was so eerie and sent shivers down my spine. But I didn't feel afraid or threatened for some reason. It felt strangely normal being around him. It was almost as if I was truly interacting with another human being. He walked closer to be but I didn't even flinch. He looked up at me, still grinning.

"(Y/N), do you remember me?" He seemed to have a pleading look in his eyes, hoping for an affirmative answer.

I was trying so hard, but I just couldn't remember! "I'm trying to, but...I can't. I know I've met you before, I just don't know where."

"Maybe this will help: I can see right through you," he simply said.

Somehow, everything connected. My dream! The flying dream dorito! This is that same illuminacho! But how?

"Y-you! I...thought..." I stammered.

"Thought what? That I wasn't real? That I was only a figment of your imagination? Part of a dream? Well you're wrong, sweetheart. I am very much real," he smiled.

"What are you?" I whispered in disbelief.

"It's best for you to not know right now, (Y/N)."

I was about to ask him how he knew my name, but then I remembered: he knows lots of things.

"You said you made a deal with Dipper to...possess his body. What deal was it?"

He snapped his fingers. "He just wanted to find a way to get the attention of that red-head to ask her out or something like that."

"Wendy?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Yeah, I guess that's her name."

'Really Dipper? Just how desperate are you?' I thought to myself. I sighed in disbelief that he would do something like this.

"Oh? What's that, Pine Tree?" He looked up over his shoulder, cupping his hand behind his hear to listen to something. "You want me to leave her alone?"

"Um...who are you talking to?"

Bipper turned back to me. "Oh right. Pine Tree's basically a ghost, so he follows me around and constantly pesters me."

I gasped. Is he talking about Dipper? Is he listening to our conversation?!

Bipper looked over his shoulder again and came up to me, motioning me downwards. I leaned down to match the child's height. He brought his lips closer to my ear.

"I just wanted to say, don't try to help the twins and get in my way. You're a precious factor for what I have planned."

My eyes widened and my mind went a hundred thoughts per hour. Questions raced through my mind like fast winds, almost making my head hurt.

He backed away slowly, looking at me with a smirk.

"Don't try to stop me. I'll be watching you." He kissed my cheek and smirked when my face turned red. My heart began to race.

Bipper fainted and was about to fall to the ground when I caught him in my arms.

"Dipper?" I shook him a bit, trying to wake him up.

His eyes opened a bit, but he was too tired. He looked really weak and had horrible, dark bags under his eyes.

"(Y-Y/N)?" he asked before falling asleep.

I lifted him up and carried him upstairs to his room. There, I found Mabel and Ford waiting.

"Oh my god, Dipper!" Mabel ran over to her brother. She clenched her fists.

"Is Bill still-?"

"No," I interrupted,"Bill's gone."

Mabel and Ford sighed in relief. Mabel showed me over to Dipper's bed, letting me lay him down on the soft blanket.

"We should let him sleep. He's certainly been through a lot today," Ford stated.

Mabel and I nodded, leaving the room.

We walked down to my room before Mabel and Ford looked at me with urgency.

"Did Bill tell you anything?" he asked me.

"Well, he did say something about me being important for his plan," I said. "He didn't really say anything else."

"What deal did they make?" Mabel asked.

"He needed a way to get Wendy's attention, I guess?" Mabel sighed and shook her head disapprovingly.

"Oh Dipper..."


"Hey kid, I'm going to need your help."

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