Chapter 19: We'll Meet Again

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"No! No! Noooo!!"

Ford screamed as I zapped him. He was chained in front of me and my friends, entertaining us with his pain.

"Ready to talk now?" I asked demandingly.

"I won't." Ford spoke with a gasp, trying to catch his breath. "I won't let you into my mind."

He really is so persistent. Just another reason for me to zap him. Anything to see Ford struggle and attempt to keep his secrets.

"What do you think, pals? Another 500 volts?" I heard a rumbling from outside, bringing my attention to the door. "Hey, do you hear that?"

(Y/N)'s POV:

I was just sitting in my room, fully clothed, waiting for Bill to come back. Until then, I was just doing random things to pass the time; thinking about my future with Bill. That was until I heard a large crash from outside, startling me. I walked out of my room and ran down the halls to the fromt room. The shack had been transformed into a huge...robot and was in front of the Fearamid.

"So the mortals are trying to fight back, huh? Adorable! Henchmaniacs, you know what to do! Take them out!" Bill ordered from his throne.

"Bill?" I walked up to him, automatically getting his attention. He turned to his human form and walked up to me.

"Babe, what are you doing? I said you have to stay in your room," he said worriedly.

"It's fine, I just heard a crash and I got worried."

He just smiled and held me. "Hey, you don't have to worry about a thing! I'm a being of pure energy with no weakness."

"Don't trust him, (Y/N)! He's a monster!" I saw Ford chained up by the chair. A cloth was put over his mouth to keep him quiet while he struggled.

"Wha-! Bill, what is going on?!" I asked, shocked at the sight of Ford being held prisoner.

"He wouldn't tell me how to leave Gravity Falls! There is a force field around it caused by the town's law of wierdness magnetism and he knows the equation to break it." He started explaining. He wrapped his arms completely around me, holding me close. "I just don't want our child to be confined like I was."

"Bill..." I sighed. Now I understood. The second dimension is a place full of conformity and rules; no one should be restricted from what they want. "I will support you."

Bill backed away from me and smiled. I brought his hand to my stomach, which now had a tiny bump. His eyes widened and he closed his eyes, smiling.

Just then, we heard a scream from outside. We both went over to see all of Bill's friends defeated and the Shack still standing.

"Guys, seriously? You had, like, one job to do here." Bill turned back to his triangular form and clutched his eyelid, annoyed.

"Bravo Dipper and Mabel!" We heard Ford yell from his confinment.

"Well, would you look at that. Those kids really care about you. And you care about them." His eye turned red and his voice went menacingly deep. "Don't you?"

"What are you....Oh. Oh no," Ford said in shock.

"Perhaps torturing those kids'll make you talk." Bill threatened. I wanted to stop him but I didn't know what to do. It's not like I could just make myself grow and convince him to find another way to get that equation.

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