Chapter 14: Welcome to Weirdmageddon

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Bill looked up at me with a happy expression in his eye, showing that he was really smiling. He pulled himself away from my chest up to my face. With his cute, tiny, black hands he held my face before extending his eyelids like they were lips to kiss my forehead. I giggled at how strange it seemed. They had qualities similar to his human lips.

He pulled away, using his powers to slowly let me down to the ground. On my way down, I heard him speak.

"See ya later, sweetheart! I have some mortals to address."

I watched in surprise as Bill grew larger until he became a giant, rotating, three-part pyramid. He had six arms protruding from his dark, color-rimmed body. I quickly started heading to town, wanting to be there to see what happens.

"Alright, listen up you one lifespan, three-dimensional, five sense skin puppets!" I heard his voice boom in a low tone across the valley.

I had made it into town, hiding behind one of the buildings to see a crowd of townspeople gathered in the main street, watching Bill make his introduction. They all looked frightened for their lives; well, except for a richly dressed couple. Couples held each other in each other's arms; families huddled together; the young mayor and two police officers stood up front.

I moved among the buildings away from the crowd, hearing Bill speak. "For one trillion years I've been locked in my own decaying dimension, waiting for a new universe to call my own! Name's Bill, but you can call me your new lord and master for all of eternity!"

I hid behind a building behind where Bill was, watching closely. "Now meet the gang of interdimensional nightmares and criminals I call my friends!"

I looked back up at the colorful rip in the sky and watched as a multitude of beings came into our world. They all looked very interesting; not in a degrading way, of course. These are the ones that Bill also wants to make a home here for, I guess.

"Now listen here, you unholy triangle fella!" I was ripped from my thoughts when I saw the mayor walk forward, pointing at Bill. I felt my blood boil at what he called him. "As mayor, I order you to get..get on outta here!"

"Yeah, things with one eye are weird!" I grew shocked at what the woman next to him said. Pretty ironic since she has a lazy eye.

"We don't like out-of-towners!" A gruff little girl spoke up. My heart clenched at all their rude comments.

"We punch what we don't understand!" I saw a lumberjack tear apart a mailbox. I started tearing up at their hate towards Bill. Why can't they understand he wants somewhere else to be?

"I just want to say, as a rich capitalist, I welcome your tyrannical rule. Perhaps I can be one of your...horsemen of the apocalypse?" I rolled my eyes at this guy's statement.

"Oh wow, what a great offer!" Bill finally spoke up. "How about instead I deshuffle the function of every hole in your face?"

He snapped his hand and the man's features contorted. Screams were erupted and I couldn't help but snicker at how funny he looked now. Everyone started running away and Bill laughed, shooting lasers from his hand. The lasers hit some people and turned them to stone. His eye-bat friends then picked them up, carrying them away.

"It's time we do a little redecorating. I could really use a castle of some kind!" I saw a pyramid erupt from the ground, just below the rip. "And how about some bubbles of pure madness!" Colorful bubbles appeared out of nowhere and floated around the town. A few of the townspeople went through them and demonstrated...interesting results. "This party never stops! Time is dead and meaning has no meaning! Existence is upside down and I reign supreme! Welcome one and all to Weirdmageddon!"

I looked around before running closer to Bill before being caught by a green creature with 8-balls for eyes. Looks like he could be Lord English's descendant or something. He brought me closer to his mouth, opening his jaws like he was going to eat me.

I screamed out, crying: "Hey, let me go! Bill!" In an instant, I saw a little blue ray zoom past me.

"Hold it 8-ball! She's with me," I looked over to see Bill floating towards us.

"Oh! Sorry Bill!" 8-ball let me down.

Bill came up to me. "Well, (Y/N), what d'ya think?"

I looked around me, slowly going in a 360 degree turn. " looks cool. Really cool!" I was practically speechless.

"Really?! I'm glad you think so. Oh! I almost forgot! Now that I've begun Weirdmageddon here in Gravity Falls, you get to stay in the fearamid!"

I looked up at the floating pyramid. "You mean up there?"

"Yup!" Bill snapped his fingers and one of his eye-bat friends came over, blinking once.

"Take this lovely human to the fearamid," he directed it, motioning to me.

The eye-bat lifted me up with some kind of ray; like the kind you see from UFOs in old alien movies. Before leaving, Bill came up to me, brushing his fingers under my chin a bit.

"Find someplace nice for yourself in there."

I smiled and nodded, the bat lifting me up to a large triangle-shaped cutout in the middle of the pyramid. I walked in, thanking the bat before it left. I slowly stepped forward, looking around the colorful walls and columns. Heading to the middle, I saw a corridor straight ahead. I walked down the hallway and made a few turns. While walking down the large hallway, I saw part of the wall open in the shape of a triangle, revealing a large room.

I walked inside and saw a large bed with a curtain surrounding it, and two side tables on one side of the room. On the other side was a large wardrobe, a dresser, and a full-length mirror as well as a dressing table with a stool. There was a few chairs here and there and uniquely-shaped decorations. On the far wall was a large triangular window with a large red curtain.

I went over to the bed, opening the sheer curtain to reveal the black and red bed sheets. Sitting down on the mattress, I noticed how quiet it is in here; it's almost like the walls were sound-proof. Probably are. It was surprising that no noise could even be heard from the outside. Laying down on the bed, curling my body, I remained there alone to my thoughts.

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