Chapter 15: Thoughts and Imagination

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Crawling across the bed, I laid back down in the middle of the mattress. My body relaxed against the cool cloth of the comfortable blankets, bringing into my mind a sense of tranquility.

Thoughts went in and out of my mind until I finally realized what I'm doing here.

"I'm living with Bill!" I whispered to myself.

I buried my hot face into the blankets. Just thinking about how much has happened these past few weeks made me excited and giddy. And to think he set up this room for me. Bill is such a gentleman.

My mind wandered to Dipper and Mabel; to Stan and Ford; to Soos; to Wendy; to all those wonderful people I came to know and love at the Mystery Shack. Will they be here too?! I certainly hope so.

We would have such a good time. Wendy and I can talk more about teenage stuff. I can help Mabel with her funny little projects. Dipper and I could explore the fearamid. Stan can tell me more stories about his adventures. Ford and I can be even more nerdy together. And I can help Soos build stuff. It will be so much fun!

I swayed my hand along the cloth, evening out the wrinkles a bit. My thoughts went on to reflect on what occured two days ago.

The last time Bill and I were physical.

The scenes played back in my mind, filling me with a warmth. It sparked in my chest and spread throughout my body. My heart beat against my chest like a drum and I felt butterflies in my stomach. My head started to feel fuzzy, almost in a dream-like way. Just thinking about him being that way towards me brought something to my mind: what if we did it ?

My body grew warmer and I smiled to myself just thinking about it.

Wait...I'm thinking about all this. And if Bill can hear my thoughts, then that means...oh dear.

My face flushed redder than a tomato and I hid myself more into the blankets, gripping them in embarrassment.

Bill's POV:

Pine Tree and Sixer really are persistent; well, Sixer was. With him out of the way I can continue Weirdmaggedon without any worries. As for Pine Tree, I doubt he'll accomplish whatever he's trying to do. Plus, with Shooting Star in her bubble, he won't be confident enough to fight me.

My hench maniacs and I were just getting into my car when I decided to listen a bit to (Y/N)'s thoughts. Hopefully she got there safe and sound and found the room I made just for her...and maybe for me.

Since that morning I've had this...tug whenever I'm in my human body. I want to be even closer to her, physically.

She was thinking about Pine Tree and Shooting Star, Sixer and Fez, Question Mark, and Ice Bag; though in a friendly way. If she wants me to bring them to the fearamid for her, I can. There are so many things I will do for her.

I chuckled quietly at some of the thoughts she had. All of the things she wants to do with her friends; it's adorable. Humans interact in such interesting ways.

Speaking of interaction.

Her mind went to the same morning I was reflecting on just moments ago. I saw her point of view, making me want to be with her even more. Of course, I loved getting her side of that incident and seeing what she was experiencing.

Truth be told I wanted to do so much more than holding her and kissing her neck. I wanted to grab her, and touch her, human with her. That level of affection was something I was prepared for; I still am. I just didn't know how she would react to that; if she would accept it or reject it.

But I knew that it would happen at some point in the future. That was undeniable.

When we finally reached the fearamid, everyone started partying while I went to the little pedestal and kept my floating body in a stasis there. I leaned back, my hands over my top vertice.

That's when I heard it. (Y/N) thinking about becoming more intimate.

Everything around me grew quiet, and yet everyone was still partying. The world was gone except for me and (Y/N). If I were in my human form right now I'm sure I'd be terribly flustered. Then I'd go to her room and take her right then and there.

She stopped, realizing that I can hear her thoughts. Heh, smart girl. She's so embarrassed, it's adorable.

Before she stopped thinking about that, I heard her ask herself a question: Will he even want to?

I pondered it for a little bit. It does sound a little weird, a human and an extradimensional dream demon, but it sounds more fun that way. Besides, I love weird. It certainly would be interesting. And now with Weirdmageddon happening, we have all the time in the world.

I looked around to my friends partying. They wouldn't really care. Besides, they'd be out spreading their weirdness. And with Pine Tree and Shooting Star out of the way, there is no way anyone would interfere. That would give me and (Y/N) some time alone.

She wants to do it; I find the act interesting. Maybe we will do it.

Dudes just last week I saw this book had just over 2K reads now it has over 3.4K reads?!

*cries* (;~;)

Thank you all so much!! You don't even know how much I appreciate this!


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