Chapter 20: The End

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I walked and walked through the forest, letting the tugging sensation guide me to my destination. As I progressed, I felt it grow until I came to a small clearing. The sensation disappeared, and I started looking around the area. Eventually, I caught sight of Bill, whose body was still in stone. I walked over slowly before kneeling down in front of him.

"So, this is where you've been, huh?" I laughed a bit before realizing that this was only Bill's body; he didn't exist here anymore.

"Well, some stuff has happened lately. I'm staying at the Mystery Shack, which Stan just handed over to Soos. Stan and Ford are going away on adventures for a while. And they're celebrating Dipper's and Mabel's thirteenth birthday right now."

"Heh, I remember when I was thirteen; not...really the best year of my life. I was bullied quite a bit. I was a social outcast with very few friends. I couldn't even tell my parents about it until a year later!" I laughed a bit thinking about how dumb that was.

"I don't know why I'm doing this honestly. You're not really here but it feels like you are. Maybe I just need someone to talk to and I don't know who else to go to? I don't know."

"I miss you, Bill. We miss you." I stood up and touched my stomach against the stone hand that was extended out. It looked almost like he was waiting for someone to come by and shake it.

"You can feel it, can't you? That energy; it's like yours. It's that same aura you had." I smiled to myself, happy at the sight in front of me.

"Stan had amnesia from the memory gun, but he's regained most of them...wait," I gasped at my sudden realization. "You must either be in Stan's mind, hiding, or in the memory capsule! Urgh, how did I not figure this out before?!"

"I'll find a way to get you back. I promise." I kissed him on the top of his hat. "I should get back to the party so that I can see them off later."

"Well, later, Bill," I said before walking off with a smile.

It was evening now, and I stood at the bus stop with the Pines, Soos, Wendy, Candy, Grenda and Waddles. The time had come to see Dipper and Mabel head off home. Mabel was currently saying bye to her friends, who had immediately engulfed her in a tight hug.

"Grunkle Stan, thanks for wearing my goodbye sweater," she said, surprised.

Ah, it's cold out. I had to," Stan shrugged.

What? But it's like eighty-something degrees out today," Soos commented, only to get a 'Can it, Soos!' from Stan and Ford. We all laughed at their secret love for the sweaters they couldn't hide.

Wendy kneeled down to him and fist-bumped him, also giving her farewell. She then handed him a letter for the next time he misses Gravity Falls. They then traded hats, the dark brown yukon hat falling onto Dipper's face a bit. I laughed a bit, seeing Dipper's blush.

Mabel and Dipper then came up and hugged me, seeing my slightly swollen stomach.

"Be safe, okay, (Y/N)?" Dipper asked. "And make sure to let us know when the baby is born," Mabel added.

"I will guys, thanks," I said sadly. Mabel brought me down and wrapped her arms around my neck, hugging me.

"It'll be okay, don't worry," she reassured me. "I mean, Soos and Melody will be there to help you. And, Bill-"

"Mabel," Dipper interrupted once she said his name.

"H-hey, it's going to be okay. Stop by Piedmont whenever you can!" Dipper added.

"I will," I promised with a smile, giving them a hug. "Have a safe trip back."

A bus pulled up, the doors opening up to reveal the bus driver. "Last bus leaving Gravity Falls. All aboard."

"Guess we've said goodbye to everyone except...Waddles," Mabel muttered sadly at the sight of her adorable pig. "I...I don't know how to explain this but...Mom and dad won't let me bring a pig home to California have to stay here!" she said to him, but he pulled on her skirt.

"Come on. Come on. I have to go. I'm...I'm sorry, Waddles," she demanded, trying to push him off of her.

"Agh! You know what? Forget it! I lived with this pig all summer, now your parents are gonna have to," Stan complained. "Hey, bus guy! This pig is comin' with the kids."

"Now, hold on a second. Bringing animals aboard a moving vehicle is strictly prohibited by--" the bus driver began, only to be interrupted by Stan pulling out his brass knuckles and Ford showing his gun.

"Wah...welcome aboard. You can sit in the front row, pig," he muttered nervously.

Stan walked up to the twins as they were about to board. "Kids, you knuckleheads were nothin' but a nuisance and I'm glad to be rid of ya." So tsundere.

Mabel and Dipper hugged him, obviously about to cry. "We'll miss you too, Grunkle Stan." They turned back and started heading towards the bus.

"Ready to head into the unknown?" Dipper asked his sister.

"Nope. Let's do it," Mabel responded before they both got on the bus.

As the bus drove away we all ran after it, shouting our farewells. Mabel and Dipper stuck their heads out the window, waving back at us.

"Bye! Bye, everybody! We'll miss you," Mabel shouted. "Bye! I'll miss you guys, too!" Dipper followed.

As the bus drove farther away, the group stood for a few minutes until it was out of sight. The crowd dispersed and Soos walked up to me with Melody before the three of us walked back to the shack.

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